The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

And who could possibly predict an eclipse? That’s crazy talk.


We can all think ourselves lucky that the eclipse, earthquake and Easter didn’t all happen on Trans Visibility Day.


If we’re talking about God throwing purpose pitches… the epicenter of the earthquake was literally Bedminster Golf Club.


I am a praying man. And, this makes my hair hurt.


Did a certain coffin rise up from the earth? Probably not, given that the remains of one little old lady was carried - with some difficulty - by 10 strapping men. Anything that heavy isn’t easily moved.

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She was rolling over.

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The flimsiness of Trump’s bond filing in the NY business fraud case is coming under greater scrutiny. And failing such scrutiny. It’s about as thorough and credible as Trump’s own business records.

The bond is for $175 million and, as stated above, Knight Specialty’s policy surplus (net worth) is $138 million. They would be instantly bankrupt if NY called the bond, so it’s basically worthless.

Not only that, the financial statement is not independently audited. It’s just a series of nebulous line items that add up to a number and then is signed by the company president. Does that sound familiar? It should, because it’s the exact same fucking thing that Trump did and for which he was found liable to the tune of half-a-billion fucking dollars.

Here it is. Look at it. An insurance company’s financial statement. WTF?

But wait! Knight Insurance Company - KSIC’s parent - also posted a financial statement in support of the bond. It, too, was an unaudited list of things signed by the same guy, which left KIC with a policy surplus of $1.1 billion. More than enough to satisfy NY’s requirements for the bond, right?


  1. There is nothing filed with the court to say that KIC has any obligation to bail out KSIC in general, or in relation to the Trump bond specifically. If the bond was called, KIC could easily cut KSIC loose and leave NY hanging.
  2. There is nothing filed with the court to say that any of these numbers are even real. NY is just supposed to take the word of the guy who works for the Trump-loving car loan shark - who is CEO of both KSIC and KIC, yet would not put his name on these documents.
  3. NY law requires the bond can be no larger than 10% of the bond provider’s policy surplus. So even if you add together the purported policy surpluses of the two companies involved, they’re still about half-a-billion dollars short of meeting the minimum policy surplus required - $1.75 billion - to support a $175 million bond.

“A day late and a dollar short” doesn’t even come close to describing how lacking this all is.

Wait a second…did she just say a solar eclipse God’s warning shot and we can prevent more in the future if we behave ourselves?

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Now that Gohmert’s gone, someone else has to pick up the mantle.


Trump media is down 11% on the day.

Knowing that Trump has set on fire hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars is one thing. Watching him do it in real time is quite something else.

Remember when earlier this week, some Republican members of Congress introduced a bill to re-name DC’s Dulles airport after Donald Trump? One of the co-sponsors went on TV and said out loud that this was to own the Libs.

Today, some Democratic members of Congress introduced a bill to re-name something else after Donald Trump: a Federal prison complex in Miami.

Happy Friday, everyone.


Buy American wine!

Y’all had to go all the way to Guam with a non-voting delegate to Congress. Meanwhile, the R example above was from Georgia, a person of some influence in your party.
But the real difference is that yes, the Ds have some weirdos that make regular people cringe, but they have no real influence. Meanwhile, the R party is made up of nothing but people who think the eclipse is being used as an excuse for Biden to cut off cell phone reception and deploy the National Guard and kill a few hundred million Americans. People who in 7 (I think) states that have passed resolutions and/or laws banning fucking chemtrails in their state. I’m sorry, I try to avoid generalizations, but y’all fuckers really are some messed in the head people that believe just about anything as long as a lib (who could be anyone from Nixon to AOC) didn’t say it.

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Don Hankey has been blabbing about his deal for the Trump bond; enjoying the spotlight it seems. He talked about how he initially reached out to Trump to guarantee the original $454 million bond, but Team Trump rejected it.

What’s funny is that Team Trump failed to disclose the offer to finance the entire bond when they went to the appellate court and told them that no one would put up a bond for him.

It’s an ethics violation by his legal team, at least. I’m not going to hold my breath about any repercussions though.

ETA: I bet James brings it up at the hearing on the 22nd.

  1. Hank Johnson was a Democratic Congressperson for Georgia, you mind-numbing idiot.

  2. I’m not a Republican.

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  1. That quote/article is from 2010

Democrats love inflation.

If you’re paying those prices on the right, you’re a sucker. I don’t know where they came from, but they do not reflect anywhere near everyday reality.

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