The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Cruz is shitting himself.

AG James has filed a motion with the court questioning Knight Specialty’s status as a bond issuer in NY and also its financial standing to support a bond of this size.

Oof! The hits are coming hard and fast today:

Judge Cannon has denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the stollen (sic) documents case on the basis of the Presidential Records Act. So I guess that means her jury instructions just hit the shredder too.

So strange that her first ruling unfavorable to Trump comes on the same day that he first started trying to pressure her through his failing website.

Ooooh! Shots fired.

Judge Cannon did not bin her draft jury instructions. She stated flatly in her latest filing that she will not rule on those drafts any time soon, and that Jack Smith can do whatever he feels he needs to.

A hearing has been scheduled on April 22 to figure out what the fuck is going on with Trump’s NY bond.

Fun Fact: That’s almost a month after he was supposed to have posted a near $500 million bond.

Election News:

  • No Labels has officially given up the ghost on trying to run a third party candidate.

  • Legislators have voted overwhelmingly to block a gambit by Nebraska Republicans to change the way their electoral college votes are allocated, in a manner that theoretically would benefit Trump.

An attempt to change Nebraska to a “winner-take-all” Electoral College system failed a key procedural vote late Wednesday, despite support by former President Trump, Gov. Jim Pillen (R) and Sen. Pete Ricketts (R).

Switching Nebraska’s Electoral College vote distribution in the Republican-dominated state would bring it in line with much of the rest of the country and could net Trump an extra vote this November, though an attempt to attach the bill to an unrelated measure as an amendment Wednesday failed by a significant margin.

Good news all around today.

The second part of Judge Cannon’s ruling is irritating, but it too could be ultimately good news. She stated that she would not rule on the jury instructions prior to the trial, saving for herself the ability to rat-fuck the trial at a point where Smith would have no ability to appeal and no ability to re-try.

She basically told him to file his mandamus appeal. I think he will.

This is the best news of the day, as there was a plausible scenario where that vote would result in a tie, which eventually would lead to a Trump victory.

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Jeffrey “Where’s My Pants?” Clarke has been found to have violated ethics rules by [checks notes] trying to overthrow the duly elected government of the United States.

He has been referred to the Court of Appeals for potential disbarment.

Also, Trump Media lost over 5% of its value on NASDAQ today, or $360 million of book value for Don Poorleone himself.

Reps Biggs and Gosar have been subpoenaed in the AZ fake electors investigation.

If today keeps on like this, I’m going to have to use the safe word.

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According to Forbes, Team Trump updated their bond filing today with Knight Specialty’s financial statement. In the statement, KSIC’s policy surplus (basically net wealth) is $138 million, leaving them $37 million short of being able to cover the bond should it be called.



Guys, it was the shoes all along. Maybe this will keep the old demented sock puppet from tripping over a blade of grass.

You know how unemployment is at a generational low? Yeah, it’s dropped even further.

Per Bloomberg News:

  • US payrolls jump 303,000; unemployment rate drops
  • Labor participation rate rises more than expected
  • Strong report suggests Fed can stay patient on inflation

This is hilariously unself-aware.

No shit, Sherlock. That’s what being disbarred means.

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Are you better off than you were four years ago?

Today, four years ago:

Barry funding the Wuhan lab Covid project really hurt America. However, it did allow them to have mail in voting for the election. A new pandemic on the horizon?

Trump Media tanking quickly again this morning, down over 5% at the open. Now hovering just above 50% of its 52-week high, which was [checks notes] last week.

You knew the hot takes were coming…

He sent a fucking plague to Trump, and that didn’t change anything.

ETA: I guess that’s not true: it changed Presidents.