The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

You are a pathological liar. The judge’s daughter says someone else took over her account- my money is on her being (like you) a pathological liar.

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I interpreted the post as reflecting an actual GF in Canada.

I dated a girl from Canada once. She was a pediatric nurse. She was a really cool chick. I wonder what happened to her.


No, children.

I don’t remember her feet being particularly unique, but she was a redhead. Make of that information what you will.

That one was a bit obscure even for me.

Canadian girlfriend = fictitious person a la Manti Teo’s girlfriend.


Nope. It’s a troupe. Like calling someone a basement dweller. My 20-something daughter did indeed have a boyfriend from Canada that she met in an online forum. It did not matter that he lived 20 miles across the border from us. Her friends mercilessly derided her (in jest) with the troupe for a month until she produced said boyfriend and proved that he was either 1) real or 2) not some skeevy 42 year old incel creeper posing as a hot 24 year old dude.

Which threats were those?

Here is one example:

Yeah, I had no frame of reference for that one.

The difference is that Biden didn’t make, encouraging or promote those threats.

Everyone had this on their Trump bingo card.

Too good not to share:

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I find it interesting that Democrats never post anything pro Biden. It is all anti Trump.

MAGAts who are bitching about Easter - which moves every year - coinciding with Transgender Visibility Day - which has been 3/31 for the last 15 years - are going to be shocked to learn that next year Easter is on 4/20.

Buy your chocolate eggs early folks, because they’re going to be scarfed up pretty quick that day.

There really doesn’t need to be a transgender visibility day in the first place. It’s pretty ridiculous.

If the Bidenistas had their way, the other 364 days of the year it would be illegal for a heterosexual to appear in public.

Imagine the gnashing of teeth from Democrats if there were a national heterosexual day.