The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Ask Fox what happens when you provide a platform for this kind of shit.

It’s a shame admin doesn’t crack down on painfully unfunny stereotypes that nobody laughs at…

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Then it wouldn’t really be the TZ anymore.

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I have been on the receiving end of many un funny stereotypes in this thread that are not funny. The main thing is to not let things like that bother you. I certainly don’t take it personal. I’ve been hanging around here since the 90’s. If you don’t have thick skin, you won’t last long.

Tad bit of WFW in there, my man.

But, yes. Thick skin required. I do like dicknose waaaay better than wvdumbass. I’ll take improvements from you wherever they come from.

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I feel attacked.

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Then you read that out of context. I was merely stating a fact. It doesn’t bother me in the least.

No. You edited the fuck out of that. But ok.

Strange, I don’t see any edits. Tiny bit of WFW there my man.

Please just be honest. You edited that post. There is a grace period before it shows as an edit. But I saw what you wrote at first. It’s not a big deal, but just be honest.


Ok. I will continue expecting dishonest discourse from you.


I have the joy of not knowing what you’re responding to here, WV. Except in so far as the aspirationally middle management bank clerk you’re attempting to take seriously is someone who one day long ago did actually take a second to look around and realize he’d gone off the skis and then vowed to turn himself around and not destroy himself in this society to which he chose to belong.

But then changed his mind. I guess for Donald Trump? Which is about as sad a thing as you could contrive?

Personally I cut out around the time all he could think to write (and he wrote it over and over, reflexively, thoughtlessly, like a gun, or a con-man) was “Joe Biden’s hairy legs.”

Honest discourse from Foo?

Wouldn’t hold my breath.

Condense that and you get what I’ve been saying for years. Put the motherfucker on ignore.

I see he’s fashioning a response.

Run, gerbil, run!


Devin is still a little salty because I called bullshit when he hilariously posted that he would pay more taxes than he currently does if he could. His fake, mind numbingly ignorant take on his joy of paying taxes is still one of the more ignorant things to be posted on the forum. I might have posted something about the old demented sock puppet telling the story about kids rubbing his hairy legs. There are plenty of disgusting things to post about the old demented sock puppet that he so loyally supports. If I remember correctly, Devin is a substitute teacher or something along those lines. Nothing wrong with that, mind you. I personally think teachers should be paid way more money.

Poor Chuck got his feelings hurt too. He’s pretty a sensitive little guy.

Trump reposted a popular meme on the right: Joe Biden hogtied in the back of a pickup truck. Threats against the sitting president are illegal and would normally - at least - result in a visit from the FBI.

Trump has spent the weekend attacking Judge Merchan’s daughter, going after her for stuff posted on social media that’s not even hers. Trump’s legal team are arguing that this behavior is totally justified.

Trump is out on bail from 88 felony counts. It will never make sense.

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You didn’t seem too concerned when so many threats were made against Trump while he was president. The old demented sock puppet threatened to fight him in one instance. You acting concerned about Trump saying anything about the old demented sock puppet is hypocrisy of the highest level.

Jon Stewart doing what he does best: digest an entire subject to make the gaslighting look as absurd as it is.

In this case, Trump’s “victimless” financial crimes.