The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

I don’t owe you anything. If I posted any evidence you would just cry that CNN “debunked it.” What time do you start reading your comic books? I know you have had a long day of pot smoking and video games. You should get a job and work for a living. It’s a good feeling to earn something.

So you’re scared a pot smoking, video game playing kid living in his parent’s basement might not believe your “evidence”?


Sort of like how Biden is both demented and simultaneously the mastermind behind a billion dollar cash grab with the Ukraine?

Your paranoia must cripple you on a daily basis.

He also has a girlfriend but I swear she lives in Canada, for real dude.

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No, never said I was scared. Why are you scared to get a job and work for a living? I’m guessing you have found a way to get on some sort of disability so you can collect a check that people like me pay for. You are what is wrong with America.

Mate, I will literally pay you folding money to argue the 2020 election was stolen in a court of law.

Is the court going to have a Democrat judge?

In case you missed it, John “Go Get Your Shine Box” Eastman has been recommended for disbarment. His license is suspended indefinitely pending confirmation of the disbarment.


Everything has to be a fantasy for you. You can’t even disagree with someone without creating a backstory. I’d imagine a psychologist would have some interesting things to say about your behavior.

I could care less who you are or what you do for a living. I just know that you’re obsessed with conspiracy and impossible to have a real discussion with.

Democrats all live in a fantasy land. They don’t have the mental capacity to critically think and make a rational decision on their own. I have no doubt that I nailed the fact that you do not work and smoke pot all day. That’s fine and everything. You do that if it makes you happy. Keep voting Democrat since they believe in paying people to stay home.

By all means, choose a Republican appointed judge.

We have a chance then! I’ll take it if you’re really offering up folding money.

All I really need to do is show a video of the old demented sock puppet making a moron of himself and any rational person will know without a doubt that he did not receive 81,000,000 votes.

Remember this lady?

I hope she sues the ever-lovin’ fuck out of the state.

Why don’t you move? You would fit like a glove in California. Be a Dodger fan while you are at it. Texas will never have a Democrat majority.

Interesting that Barry Soetoro and Sean Combs aka PDiddy are friends. Pretty disturbing things are coming out about Combs. I always knew that Barry was a very disgusting person. I am no longer a Democrat because of Barry. No other President has created more racism or divide than Barry Soetoro. He appears pretty chummy with this pedophile.


Cool. I’m asking you a serious question in response to what seems to be an unserious answer. You believe that a Republican appointed judge would be more receptive to whatever your arguments are about election fraud. Why?

Not the first time this has been referenced. What am I missing here?

Your new name is going to be dicknose.

Trump has been a celebrity for a long time. You will find many people posing for pictures with him. Wait, I thought Trump was racist?

PDiddy and Barry are pedophiles.

I think it would take someone who isn’t paid off and someone who isn’t afraid to look at the facts. There is plenty of evidence but no Democrat judge is going to look at it. It doesn’t fit the narrative. The right Republican might look at the evidence. Quite honestly a lot of them are nearly as crooked as Democrats though.

Over 80,000,000 people are excited about an octogenarian with dementia. Sure….

A brain.