The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Liberal logic: If we could just jail Trump, get rid of MAGA, end the electoral college, stack the Supreme Court, open the borders, ban voter ID, and censor free speech we could save democracy.

More liberal logic this morning. Democrats once rejected President Trumpā€™s $8.6 billion dollar plan to protect our borders. Yet they gave Ukraine $75 billion to protect their border. Makes a lot of sense. Also makes you wonder how much of the $75 billion ā€œthe big guyā€ is getting.

The cash advantage that Biden had in October 2020 - mostly because grift and self-dealing had drained the RNCā€™s coffers - was pivotal to him being able to win the battleground states.

This cycle the cash advantage is going to be bigger and manifest itself much earlier. Biden is hauling in a fortune every month while the RNC is ostensibly broke already.

Even if they, too, werenā€™t being drained by Trumpā€™s legal fees, PACs canā€™t open local party offices, or canvass door-to-door or pay for campaign rallies and speech venues.

The GOP is losing safe districts in red states by 25 points. Not preaching complacency, but donā€™t panic over random polls. Both the Dems and the GOP internal polling (typically the most accurate) had the Republican winning by 7 points in the Alabama house race. They missed it by 32 pointsā€¦

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The thing about the old demented sock puppet is that he could have an endless supply of cash and it truly would not matter.

Here are a few examples as to why:

Can someone tell me what the hell he is trying to say? Letā€™s face it, heā€™s too old and demented to be President and most of America knows that. He can have all of the campaign money in the world and it will not fix his dementia.

Because, of course.

More Democrat logic:

A Republican shows supposed evidence of Democrat election fraud: This has been debunked and is not true.

A Democrat shows supposed evidence of Republican election fraud: Oh my god throw them in jail! Cheaters!

Democrats are mind numbingly stupid.

Every projection with these no talent ass-clowns is an admission.


Glad to see you didnā€™t drown in the last rain storm. Did you learn how to breathe with your mouth closed finally?

Please show us this ā€œevidenceā€.

If I did, you would just say ā€œohhh thatā€™s been debunked.ā€

Because it has been. Just because that conflicts with your neuroses doesnā€™t make it any less true.

ā€œDebunkedā€ by liberals and reported by the liberal media.


Still waiting on ā€œThe Krakenā€

He has conspiracy theories, not evidence.

I see we have taken a break from a long day of playing video games in your parentsā€™ basement. Shouldnā€™t you get back to them?

Says a full blown hardcore Democrat. It doesnā€™t fit your narrative that you cling to.

So you have no ā€œevidenceā€? Iā€™m shocked.

Evidence does no good to a Democrat when it doesnā€™t help advance their narrative.

Ok. Confirmed. No ā€œevidenceā€. Got it.

Also. WFW again.

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