The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

In case you missed it, last night Maddow went after Ronna McDaniel - but more importantly NBC - over the hiring of McDaniel as a paid pundit like she was Ripley unloading on the Alien Queen.

Today, it was announced that McDaniel is stepping down from NBC. I’m sure this is all just a coincidence, though.

Nothing to see here. Just running a Nazi out on a rail. Maddow was great on this last night.

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Reading a Bible might do you some good, WVDUMBASS.

This is over the top / over the line / too far / etc…, Scott. Please don’t.

I respectfully disagree. He is the one who brought up a Bible.

However, we don’t need to be starting any holy wars around here.

Democrats just flipped a Trump +20 district in Alabama.

Polls are meaningless. Actual voting is everything. November is going to be a wipeout.

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

Spack needs to delete this motherfucker posthaste.



It all depends on how many dead people vote.

“Flipped” doesn’t do it justice. Marilyn Lands ran in this deep red, Trump loving district…and won it by 25 points.


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Once again, the Democrats fraudulently stole the election by getting more votes.


Nancy Pelosi went down to Alabama and rigged it.

It’s ok to have high hopes, Limey. But reality will set in when the old demented sock puppet loses. Let’s face it, no one is excited about him. His approval rating is abysmal. He can’t form a coherent sentence. He can’t walk in a straight line without falling. And he is one bad step away from the nursing home.

This guy said it best:

Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 8.01.50 AM


Yeah that is all speculation drawn up by the Democrats. There is no proof. And you sure can’t take the word of a deadbeat porn star.

Reading the Bible might do you some good too, Limey. Anyone that lies as much as you do really needs all the help that they can get.

This is hilariously stupid.

Lake has told the court that she will not contest the lawsuit (to avoid discovery), basically asking the court to tell her how much she owes. But she wants you to know that she did so the own the Libs.

The district was Trump + 1, liar. Is there any lie you won’t tell.

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Alabama House District 10 lies in Madison County, which went to Trump by 8 points. I haven’t seen a breakdown of that state House district in particular, but given that it’s home to NASA, and allegedly smart people, there were probably fewer votes for Trump in that localized area than in the rest of Alabama.

If the area has smart people, there can’t possibly be Biden supporters there. Although sometimes, smart people do lack common sense. Maybe that is the case here.

Too good not to share: