The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Didn’t he also spin it as “see, the appeals court reduced my unfair fine.”

Probably. Nothing he said was true.

WFW. He might have to put up the $175MM but this case will be thrown out soon enough. He did absolutely nothing wrong.

She really is this fucking stupid.

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We don’t close down for the Flu.

Have to wonder what else Obama helped fund at the Wuhan lab.

Stupid can be contagious though, so I’d stop reading anything said by Congeresslady Greene.


She’s probably counting all those windmill-cancer deaths that the Deep State is hiding.


A billionaire who is increasingly under pressure as the cost of civil judgments from sexual abuse allegations against him pile up, has absconded in his private jet to avoid authorities raiding his home.

For the record, I am referring to the guy on the left, not the one in the middle.

Right wing media started blaming the Biden administration for the bridge collapse almost immediately after it happened (video clip in the link).

I’m sure they’ll be just as vocal about correcting the record now though, right? Right?!

Dear Lord!

There was no such hint in that clip, you lying pile of dogshit.

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Today, SCOTUS is hearing oral argument over whether the approval of mifepristone is appropriate. They gave Justice Thomas the lead-off role again. The usual suspects are telegraphing their bias and this is going to end badly.

This is a precursor to them throwing the entire Chevron Doctrine into the wood-chipper later this spring, thereby bringing the entire administrative apparatus of the federal government to a grinding halt.

Paraphrasing Elie Mystal: there is no freedom that you enjoy that will survive 25 years of this Supreme Court.

To wit: Justice Serena Joy asked why patients should not be required to have an ultrasound to detect whether there is a fetal heartbeat prior to be prescribed mifepristone. A fetus doesn’t have a heart with formed chambers that can beat until long after mifepristone is no longer practical.

The question is formed from ignorance and misinformation, which is not good coming from one of the nine most powerful people in the world.

You are a pathological liar. A fetal heartbeat can be detected at 6 weeks and the drug claims efficacy to 10 weeks. Every word out of your mouth is a lie.

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Let’s cut back on that type of nastiness and stick to the “pathological liar and demented sock puppet” type of stuff, shall we?

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Did you watch the clip? There’s no such suggestion. Only the screeching false statement by the poster.

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I think it’s the quote, as they were talking about alerting the President, that it hasn’t happened in 40 years. I don’t think it’s a big thing, but there is a history there.

It’s similar to the Bartiromo bullshit: Yada Yada Yada, Biden can’t secure the border, the ship crashed into the bridge, all in the same breath.

You are incapable of any honesty whatsoever.

No, liar. The clip related a question as to whether Biden would have been awakened and an answer that he would have been as it was a major situation and rare and that “President Trump would have been.”

Hurry up OKB and Dwad!! Buy your Trump Bibles asap, they could run out!