The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Don’t worry, Limey, Trump will be fine. He really doesn’t need to campaign much to beat the old demented sock puppet. People were much better off when Trump was President and many people will remember that. If the old demented sock puppet has the balls to debate Trump, Trump will make the old demented sock puppet look even more foolish.

This isn’t a winning ticket.

Nikki Haley got 14% of the vote in Florida’s primary yesterday, despite having dropped out of the race almost a month ago. DeSantis got 4%. Florida’s primary is closed, so only registered Republicans can vote in it.

These are real election results, not polls of the 1% of people who pick up for an unknown caller.

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This day four years ago:

Never forget that, after the Ebola scare, the Obama administration set up a department to prepare for the next potential/actual pandemic. They prepared a comprehensive playbook for how to respond so that a future administration wasn’t having to make up a response on the fly.

Trump literally discarded that manual and disbanded the department in 2018. So when COVID showed up, Les Incompétants in the Trump administration were left scrambling.


The intelligence gap between the two sets of elected officials is stark and growing.

It was the worst of times….

Tish James filed a response to Trump’s claim that he cannot find a company willing to post his bond. Basically, it says “cry me a fucking river.” She points out that if bond companies won’t take real estate as collateral, there are myriad other ways that he could collateralize his real estate, including that he can post the real estate directly with the court as collateral (something I didn’t know was an option).

Of course, we all know why none of this is possible for Trump, because everything he has is already leveraged to the eyeballs. Tish James knows it too, and is going to take Trump down to his last, ketchup-stained shirt button.

She already has a hit list drawn up and ready to go according to Newsweek:

Full List of Donald Trump's Properties Letitia James Is About to Take.

  • Trump Park Avenue, New York, N.Y.
  • Trump Tower, New York, N.Y.
  • 40 Wall Street, New York, N.Y.
  • Seven Springs, Westchester County, N.Y.
  • Trump International Hotel and Tower, Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Mar-a-Lago, Palm Beach, Florida
  • Trump National Golf Club Westchester, Briarcliff Manor, N.Y.
  • Trump National Golf Club Charlotte, Mooresville, North Carolina
  • Trump National Golf Club Colts Neck, Colts Neck, New Jersey
  • Trump National Golf Club, Washington, D.C., Sterling, Virginia
  • Trump National Golf Club Hudson Valley, Hopewell Junction, N.Y.
  • Trump National Golf Club Jupiter, Jupiter, Florida
  • Trump National Golf Club Los Angeles, Rancho Palos Verdes, California
  • Trump National Golf Club Philadelphia, Pine Hill, New Jersey
  • Trump International Golf Links Scotland (Aberdeen)
  • Trump International Golf Links Scotland (Turnberry)

She’s going for Trump Tower and Mar-a-Lago, but leaving him Bedminster it seems. At least for now…

Oh, and more bad financial news for Trump today:

Haley voters not turning out for Trump is very bad for him. Haley voters and donors switching to Biden is catastrophic.

What does the state’s seizing certain properties mean in practical terms? Does the state collect the cash that the properties generate? Does the state keep that cash or place it into escrow? Who makes administrative and business decisions regarding the properties while they are seized pending appeal? I can’t imagine the state would be competent to do so and while I’m not suggesting the Trump organization would be competent exactly, they surely could not be trusted despite their familiarity with the properties. It sounds like a huge mess.

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Yes, Barry invested a lot of money in the Wuhan lab. Mr. Soetoro had some plans that is no doubt.

I have no clue about the specifics either, but I’m sure the state of New York has done this before. Don’t forget that the Trump Org. already has a “manager” installed who oversees everything the company does to make sure they aren’t doing anything they shouldn’t.

The manager already busted them for moving $40 million from an LLC into Trump’s checking account a few weeks back.

I’m sure they could install a manager over whatever properties they seize. It will be interesting to see if this does truly happen to MAL because the new owner could then evict Trump or at least start charging him rent and making him pay for his own hamburders.

Presumably the state of NY would keep the proceeds of the ongoing business(es) as well as the net return on the sales, up to the point the judgement is settled.

It may yet happen, but I was expecting an undisclosed briber to step in and rescue him. Then I wondered why it hasn’t happened yet. I assume that the groups who would normally bribe him (Saudis, Chinese, Russians, wealthy American billionaires) view it as a bet, specifically, one they’re unwilling to make. Why create a bond/backing instrument for his fines if he might lose, as you know you’re not getting the money back. Of course, if he wins, those bribers will be lining up to give him similar amounts.

It also got me wondering why he can’t just cash out his 4B Truth Social stake in order to raise the cash. Well, I don’t really understand that arrangement, other than it stinks to high heaven, but I suspect he can’t cash it out for similar reasons. I assume, since the company isn’t worth much, that him cashing out would require other owners to step in to support the inflated stock price. These other owners will likely do so if he is elected, but right now, they won’t since he might lose. If he loses, I expect that stock value to disappear into near nothing.

About Mar-a-Lago; I saw recently a potted history of how it came to be what it is.

It used to be owned by one of the Post (cereal) family, but they had to sell it when they fell on hard times. So Trump bought it for himself, but then he too, in the 1990s, fell on hard times. He couldn’t afford its upkeep, and needed to get out from under it.

Trump being Trump didn’t want just to sell it, of course, most likely because he didn’t have any equity in it (or worse, was upside down). He tried to get permission to bulldoze it and parcel the land into multiple beach/lakefront properties. Clearly this would be yugely lucrative, and it is why Trump to this day claims that the property is worth over a billion - because he is valuing it as if all of the foregoing has already been done.

Trump used this valuation strategy on a number of his properties. The Trump Building is currently a shitty office building - I know, I’ve had meetings in there - but Trump valued it as if it had already been converted into luxury condos. A legit possibility, for sure, but not something that currently has any basis in reality. I’m sure that 5 - 7 luxury houses on the MAL site could genuinely add up to a billion or more, but that’s not what it is now, which is the point of the judgement against him in NY.

Anyway, Trump was blocked from his plan to subdivide the MAL lot because the 1920s building is deemed to be of historic value. So he went another way; he turned it into a for-profit members club with an apartment for him to use when he stayed there. Authorities agreed to this on the basis that Trump sign an irrevocable deed of trust that the property would be used only as a private club and never as a private residence. Trump - whose primary residence at that time was the 3010,000 sf apartment in Trump Tower - signed his Klan signature to the deed, and here we are.

So he’s already violating the deed of trust by making MAL his permanent residence and may well not be the owner, or at least the controlling entity for it, as of this time next week. A property manager could move all his shit to the roadside immediately based on the deed violation, or perhaps simply start charging him rent (and then kicking him out when he doesn’t pay…because you know he won’t).

But at the end of the day, any properties that are seized are going to be liquidated to release any equity available to satisfy the judgement. Given that Trump lives for free at a selection of his for-profit business (I wonder if he pays taxes on the benefit in kind? Weisselberg didn’t), he might start to find his options limited.

Walmart is closing 23 stores in 8 states (all blue).
Target is closing 9 stores in 4 states (all blue).
Walgreens is closing 900 stores (mostly blue)
Bed bath and beyond is closing its remaining 360 stores.
Lowes has closed 50 stores.
Macy’s is closing 150 stores (mainly blue)
Starbucks has closed 61 stores (mainly blue)
Home Depot is closing 15 stores
Dollar Tree is closing 1,000 stores
Foot Locker is closing 400 stores
Gap is closing 350 stores
Party City is closing 24 stores (mainly blue)
Big Lots is closing stores in Cali and Colorado
Burger King is closing 400 stores
Best Buy is closing 20 stores
Boston Market is closing 27 stores
Kmart only has 2 stores left
Sears closed all but 22 stores
Regal Cinemas has closed 429 movie theaters
Kroger grocery chain has closed 413 stores
US Bank is closing 23 branches
Wells Fargo is closing over 60 branches
Capital One is closing 50 branches
Bank of America is closing 20 branches

The old demented sock puppet has really done a good job with the economy.

AG James has formally filed the judgment against Trump with Westchester County. A precursor to seizing his assets there.

Two of his most valuable properties are there: the infamous Seven Springs estate and a golf resort.

The Trump campaign is not sustainable.

Screenshot 2024-03-21 at 11.58.11 AM

Why do you think Trump needs to campaign? Are there voters out there unfamiliar with him?

I hope he does. It seems that, the more people see him, the more they are turned off by him.

David Jolly just described Trump as someone who was “born on third base and stole second.”

I’m crying.


Donald Trump just needs to sit back and let the old demented sock puppet continue to make an idiot of himself. That’s the best campaigning he can do.