The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

If you’re not better off now than you were under Trump, you’re simply not trying or just an idiot.


Four years ago, in March 2020, millions and millions of people were losing their jobs, cities were renting freezer trucks to store bodies and buying hand sanitizer or toilet paper was like an episode of Mad Max.

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The NASDAQ is more than double it’s value four years ago and the Dow is up over 80%.


Which kind of only matters if you have money to invest. If you’ve instead been sending your money to various grifting pleas, you haven’t benefited from that run-up and may be feeling left out.


Is that what CNN told you? Democrats love inflation.

Peter Navarro asked the Supreme Court to stay his jail sentence due to start tomorrow. SCOTUS told him to watch out of the corn hole.

ETTD remains undefeated.

The Trump Org settled the infamous case where Habba posed as a friend to an abused employee in order to gaslight her into a shitty settlement that would get Habba into Trump’s good graces.

It worked and Habba was part of the inner circle…until she wasn’t. Because that’s how cults work.

Apparently Uncle Ranty has been on this crazy train all morning.

I assume that he knows that Engoron is going to deny his request to waive the requirement to secure his appeal to avoid enforcement. I mean, everyone knows this is going to happen, because there is no mechanism in NY state law to allow Engoron to do this.

Fun Fact: because there is no mechanism under NY state law to do this, there is no legal precedent for Team Trump to cite in its motion, so they cited an article from The Economist.

Trump actually completely undermines his own argument here. “I would be forced to mortgage or sell great assets.” Yes, that’s how massive money judgements against you work; you have to give up your stuff to someone else who you wronged.

This is going to trigger - pun intended - some MAGAFolk.

To me it just highlights the absurdity of adhering literally to the second line of the 2nd Amendment, while completely ignoring the first line.

Yes and they’ll be able to vote. That’s why the democrat party has the border wide open.

They’re gonna start bringing guns when they swim the river! Damned Oklahomans. Build the Wall!


And make the Oklahomans pay for it!


Trump has sued ABC and George Stephanopoulos over the interview with Nancy Mace where Stephanopoulos said that Trump had been found liable for rape. In his court filing Trump is claiming defamation, because he was actually found liable for “only” sexual assault.

So this is where we are now.

His campaign is already broke, and hemorrhaging money.

UberX and mismatched furniture: How Trump campaign is reining in costs as it prepares for general election

One of the driving forces for why the Trump campaign has been so diligent about cost-cutting, the advisers say, is because they fear a repeat of the former president’s 2020 general election financial struggles, when the campaign burned through hundreds of millions of dollars in a matter of months that left Trump’s team facing an alarming cash crunch weeks before the November 2020 election.

You hate to see it.


SCOTUS has upheld Texas SB4, that allows local law enforcement to arrest migrants. 5-4 of course.

Nothing bad is going to come of local law enforcement being able to arrest people for looking foreign, I’m sure.

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What could possibly go wrong?

Those august jurists certainly have some interesting ideas about what states can and cannot do.

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