The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Don’t you get tired of this shit?

You can add Mike Pence to the list of former Trump administration officials who aren’t on board with his nomination.

Noem’s response is hilarious: Seriously, you’re not supporting the guy who wanted you dead? What’s wrong with you?

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we can’t let them own the converstation. We have to expose them for what they are–craven, racist, misogynistic…anytime we let them slide on something because we’re tired of their shit is a win for them because then they own the narrative, even here.

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The NY election interference criminal case against Trump will be delayed 30 days from today. Judge just ruled.

That puts the start date now at April 15 (April 14 is a Sunday), so really only a 21-day delay in effect.

March 25 is still a big day for Trump, though. That’s the date by which he has post the near half-a-billion dollar bond in the NY civil fraud case. I guarantee you that James already has her paperwork ready to start seizing Trump’s assets on March 26.

I did and you proved it. Thank you.

You are the one who voted for a racist.

Sid and Limey and JBM and Lefty fought over their place in line to eat out this vile anti-Black racist:

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Amongst many unhinged things Trump said at his rally today, he claimed that Biden beat Obama in an election at some point.

NYT: Biden Defeats Obama Democrats in Disarray


Oh, I’m just here for the recommendations of beverages and a constant update of Limey’s video game progress.

You can go fuck right the fuck off, best of luck to you.


RFK Jr: I’m running against Joe Biden

All the other Kennedys:


Careful now- you should read the latest memo: RFK Jr hurts Trump, not Biden. Anyone who is not the brain-dead lemmings who support Biden hurts Trump. The lemmings and the Controllers know who they are and what they will doi. You can see the compliant press backing away from criticizing Aaron Rodgers, in allegiance to the memo.

While this is funny, he also said the same thing to the judge in the Carroll rape and defamation award against him, and then posted the bond.

It answers a few open questions (to me at least) about the Carroll bond. I assumed that real estate holdings would be overleveraged and he had to post cash or cash equivalent, and the Lockton dude’s statement all but confirms it.

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Yep. Chubb says the Carroll bond is full collateralized, which means that it’s entirely likely that they took up much/all of Trump’s available equity. The other thing the Chubb letter proves is that they got a significant “WTF?” from shareholders, which is going to give Chubb and anyone else significant pause about posting a bond for 5x that amount.

This post hasn’t aged well from…3 hours ago.

I don’t think anyone is better off than they were during the Trump presidency. You’ll get a few idiots who would say that they are better because CNN tells them that they are. Those are the low IQ bunch that vote for the old demented sock puppet. Limey is among the lowest of the low on the IQ charts.