The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Judge Cannon has denied Trump’s efforts to get the documents case dismissed.

No word yet on when she’s going to get around to having a trial, though.

See, that’s all you care about. You have no love of country, your fellow humans, your planet…it’s all about “owning the libs”, this nebulous group of people that do nothing you say they do, believe nothing you say the do, and act in no way you say they do. To believe the things you post, a pesron has to be incredibly credulous, or dangerously spiteful. Not to mention otnay ootay ightbray.


So here’s what happened:

  1. A year ago, Bragg asked the DOJ - in the guise of the SDNY - for any and all documents relating to the conviction of Michael Cohen.
  2. Last June, SDNY handed over a bunch of papers.
  3. Bragg’s office immediately turned over everything it received to the Trump team.
  4. Trumps’ team said nothing until this January, when it issued a subpoena directly to SDNY for Michael Cohen documents.
  5. A few weeks ago, SDNY coughed up over 73,000 documents, amassing to over 104,000 pages, that it had not produced pursuant to Bragg’s request.
  6. Team Trump is - quite rightly - asking for a delay to review all this new information.
  7. Bragg agrees that a delay is warranted - because it fucking is - but asked that it not exceed 30 days.

What stinks here is that Team Trump seemed satisfied with the initial production; they did not challenge it for being less than complete. So what happened between last June and this January to suggest to them that a subpoena was warranted? Was it just a simple delay tactic, or did they become aware that SDNY was sitting on documents they should have produced.

Barr’s DOJ was corrupted; Garland’s DOJ has not done much to clean off that shit stain. Did the DOJ deliberately short-arm document production to allow for what is happening now to happen?

Liberals hate Trump and also hate anyone who doesn’t vote Democrat. They go through life in a rage. They are a very racist bunch of people. They support a demented, corrupt, child molesting, racist, bumbling old compromised fool who hates America. Democrats have encouraged violence and have divided the country with their “my way or no way” attitude. You have to be a very special kind of stupid to vote for or support Democrats.

Of course the DOJ is corrupt. Look at the bogus frivolous cases against Trump to try to take him out of the political picture.

SDNY has both a reputation for operating in a silo without consulting DC and close ties to Giuliani and Trump.

So which Former Trump Appointees have good things to say about Trumps?

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I believe the running joke in DOJ is that the “S” stands for sovereign - at least, according to my old teammate who’s an ADA (and apparently corrupt if one of our resident conspiracy theorists can be taken at his word).

Not many.

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Ted Cruz’ weekend just opened up.

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In the GA election case, Judge McAfee splits the baby over allegations of impropriety between DA Willis and lead prosecutor Wade. One or other must go, he doesn’t care which.


Oh and, burying the lede, once this is done, the trial is back on because Trump still did the things he did regardless of whether two romantically unattached prosecutors working on the same side couldn’t keep it in their pants.


I will spare you the collected wisdom of Xannie Jackson and Eva Brawny this morning. Suffice to say, they’re losing their shit over the GA decision. The very conservative, Republican-appointed judge is now part of the woke mafia that’s out to “Get Trump”, it seems.

And the circle shrinks just a little bit more. How many more people will find themselves outside the ring as we get closer to the election?

Yeah that trial will go away soon. Trump did nothing wrong. You can’t put someone in jail because you don’t like him.

Mike Johnson is hosting GOP Congress members at the annual “Unity” retreat this weekend. Only about half the caucus is expected to attend.

NY Times: Dems in Disarray.


Yeah, I just saw CNN gush on about how much the Willis ruling is going to help Trump. You know: Willis scolded while ruling in her favor, ergo, Trump will appear innocent.

The myth of a liberal mainstream press still thrives.


You and I both know that the media leans heavily liberal.

This was the worst possible outcome for the libtards. Once this goes to trial and the libtards lose, they cannot appeal the innocent verdict. Can’t wait to see the crying that will commence when that happens. Of course Trump can just have it dismissed when he wins the election also.

You made my point.

And you made mine.

as if you had one…

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