The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

except that in the last election trump was at bat and tried to steal first.


The latest round of FEC filings show that Nikki Haley’s suspended campaign has more cash on hand than the RNC.

Donated by literally dozens er ones of hedge fund billionaires seeking to further control the opposition as they control their marionette in the White House.

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Yesterday, because we’re all trapped in an episode of Black Mirror, Gym Jordan chaired a House committee hearing on college locker room safety. No, really.

So, yes, Eric Swalwell went right at it:


Trump does have all the cash that is required to post as collateral for his appeal in the NY business fraud case; he’s just saving it for his presidential campaign.

Yeah. Sure.

Trump installs his daughter-in-law at the RNC and, predictably

Every donated dime is going to pay Trump’s lawyers.

Limey and many other Democrats on here are simply too stupid to understand this.

The pump and dump scheme to sell Trump Social to a billionaire slush fund has been approved. Existing covenants say Trump can’t touch any proceeds for 6 months, but could he use it as collateral for a bond




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Paging Speaker Jeffries

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Johnson is your “wet dream”, a gay Democrat in sheep’s clothing (well, furry over speedo)

Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., who forced the vote to remove McCarthy as speaker, told reporters on Thursday that he doesn’t support a motion to vacate the chair and evict Johnson.

“If we vacated this speaker, we’d end up with a Democrat,” Gaetz told reporters.

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Johnson been talking like he would put the Ukraine package up for a vote, which would almost certainly pass. Marge Madness is trying to stop that.

In other fun news, Candace Owens got fired by Ben Shapiro and Judge Cannon has had about a 100% turnover of her law clerks in the last year.

He just passed - with mostly Democratic votes - a spending bill that keeps the gubmint’s lights on for about another 6 months. The sort of thing the GOP hangs you for.

Speaking of Ukraine though, there is a discharge petition to bring the funding bill up for a vote over the Speaker’s head. Ken Buck signed it on his way out the door, but it has only about 190 signatures, needing 218 to pass. There is a small number of Democrats declining to sign currently

So the kid who shot protesters is appearing at Kent State?

This isn’t going to go well.

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He shot at people who were trying to take him down. The thugs he shot at should not have been rioting and looting.

Ba-da dump dump dump

another one bites the dust, yeah!

So the Trump Social merger with DWAC was approved yesterday. How was that received by DWAC shareholders?


At least it didn’t have the bud light effect.