The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Evidently Lincoln Riley was killed. Quite a racist way for the old demented sock puppet to say who killed Lincoln though. Democrats love racism.

Kennedy has also floated the name of Jesse Ventura. Apparently, though, Jesse ain’t got time to Veep.

I saw one stat (can’t source it so all appropriate asterisks apply) that a polling firm had to call over 100,000 numbers to get 1,000 responses. So any poll isn’t a true sampling of the electorate, it’s a poll exclusively of the 1% of people who will answer an “Unknown Caller”.

This is why Dems have “out performed” polling consistently since 2017, because the people added to voter rolls in recent years are mostly voting for Democrats and would die before answering a call from anyone, let alone a number they don’t know.

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Immigrants drive the economy to quite a substantial degree, providing “unskilled” labor so that Katie Britt doesn’t have to clean her own toilet, and fueling demand by buying shit they need, often having arrived with just the clothes on their backs (or, in my case, two suitcases and a set of golf clubs - a bougimmigrant, if you will).

Plus, so-called “illegals” pay more in taxes than the Fortune 500 (probably).

The Social Security Administration estimated in 2010, for example, that such immigrants contribute $12 billion per year more to the Social Security system than they take out, he noted.

It takes 35 years to qualify fully for SocSec. Trust me, I know. I’ve been here 30 years. People who think that someone in this country qualifies instantly for a free ride are confusing immigrants with the man in the mirror.


This is how we get Schrödinger’s Immigrant, who is simultaneously lazy and entitled while taking all the jobs.

That’s a great point that a lot on the right miss. In addition, in Texas you absolutely cannot get on Medicaid unless you’re elderly, very young, or disabled AND below the poverty line. And even then it can be a slog. Mrs Sid used to be a case manager for one of the insurance companies that administer Medicaid in the state and the hoops these poor people had to jump through were sad.

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Here’s what’s really funny about Ken Buck retiring now instead of next January when his term expires: it royally fucks Lauren Boebert and possibly the entire GOP. It’s slowly dawning on the media what a cold, calculated “fuck you” move this is by Buck.

He was asked yesterday why he’s leaving now and part of his answer was to point to the day’s hearing in the Judiciary Committee where he is the #3 ranked Republican and hasn’t had his time to question the witness with “40 or 50” others going ahead of him.

So what does this decision do:

  1. It means that the Republican majority in the House shrinks to 2 in the short term pending a special election for his successor;
  2. It prompts a special election for his successor, taking time and money away from the general in November;
  3. It means that Lauren Boebert cannot run in the special election unless she resigns her current seat, which she might do because she has more chance of winning now than against an incumbent in November, and she cannot switch back to run for her current seat so this is her only option to remain in Congress for the next session; and
  4. It means that the Republican majority in the House drops to 1 if Boebert goes for the special election, and her old seat is very vulnerable to a Dem takeover, which could happen in the special election that would be triggered for that district.

Buck is walking away with a cigar in his mouth. The cigar he just used to light the fuse.


Speaking of which:

Asked whether he’s facing heat from his colleagues, Buck told Axios: “I think it’s the next three people that leave that they’re going to be worried about.”


Imagine that the House flips over the coming months and the Dems push through a bunch of wildly popular things - like codifying Roe, Ukraine aid, gun safety and student debt relief - all against howling opposition from the GOP.

The general election message becomes “See! We fucking meant it.”

Limey is on a rampage promoting his false propaganda this morning. He can’t remember who the Houston Astros are of what they do. All he can think about it Trump or politics.

And that would also put them in charge of certifying the election, which you know the Rs are going to turn into a circus if they’re still in the majority.

Employing the legerdemain that allowed them to pass the Inflation Reduction Act with 50 votes plus the VP in the Senate I believe means the legislation must be strictly budgetary, so there’d likely be no way to codify Roe or do gun safety, for instance, without they explode the filibuster, which I don’t see why Schumer at this late date would finally entertain.

And the student debt relief problem is, as I understand it, primarily a problem with the Courts.

It is most certainly a pleasant dream, though.

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The new Congress is sworn in prior to the certification of the Electoral College vote, so what happens in the House between now and then has little direct impact on that. Also, I believe they have codified the VP’s role as Senate Chairman as being purely ceremonial when it comes to the certification, so that gambit is off the table.

The GOP is going to screech and squawk about anything and everything from now until the end of time. The trick is to whittle down their numbers so that they become irrelevant. As I have said often before, California is the model for the future of the GOP: boiled down to the bitter extreme and legislatively neutered.

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Good points. Trying to pass these things, forcing the GOP to block them, would still be a useful effort in highlighting the policy differences going into November.

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ah,thanks, I should have known that. Makes me feel better, I had visions of them throwing it to the states (themselves basically) to overturn the vote.

Well the Dems had the majority in the House and Senate in 2017, but had Pence - who was still the Senate Chair pending certification of the new President and VP - somehow thrown certification back to the House, the vote by state would’ve given Republicans the majority.

The Electoral College is a deeply flawed system with layer upon layer of “process” specifically designed to rat-fuck a result.

Anything that is Democrat or woke turns to shit. When Trump wins the election, I fully expect them to throw another hissy fit and not certify the results.

Just a matter of time before the rest of the bogus charges are dropped in this case.

Hopefully Judge Cannon will drop the frivolous classified documents charges soon as well.

Well, the QOP being a gaggle of rat-fuckers, do know a thing or two about rat-fucking.


So is your position that those phone calls and efforts were perfectly legal? That a sitting President and his representatives should have the right to attempt to influence states officers and process in how it conducts elections?

Or that the calls do not represent what everyone claims they are?

The old demented sock puppet’s approval rating went down even more after his babbling state of the union speech.