The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

You, along with your article, are so simple-minded. Biden’s quote about bringing up his son’s death is referencing Hur’s report, not the interview. Hur did bring it up in the report.

This dumbass reporter who can’t discern what Biden is referring to is either stupid or intentionally misleading, much like you.

You might go back and re-read the article very slowly. Maybe that will help you understand what you are reading.

The go to for liberals when they are proven wrong is to insult the person who proved them wrong. JBM, JohnS and Limey are perfect examples of what is wrong with America.

You are as stupid as your brother.

This the quote in the article:

How in the hell dare he raise that? Frankly, when I was asked the question, I thought to myself: It wasn’t any of their damn business

The “that” in the first sentence is referencing the report, not the interview. So, Biden, through this quote from his press conference, is not saying “how dare he raised that in his interview,” but instead “how in the hell did he besmirch me in the report over that personal part of the interview.” So, the money conclusion loved by you, specifically the “rebuttal” pointing out that Biden first brought up his son’s death in the interview is stupid, and off-point since Biden never claimed anything like that.

Que the insult from the petty liberal who was proven to be wrong. The demented imbecile forgot when his own son died. He forgot when he was Vice President. Heck, he even forgot what a fax machine was. He’s an old demented bumbling fool. Much like you.

Once again, go back and read everything slowly. Very slowly.

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A CNN article couldn’t even twist the story to paint a picture that the old demented sock puppet didn’t forget things.

So, Aaron Rogers has been approached by Robert Kennedy, Jr. about being his VP nominee and Rogers is allegedly receptive to the idea. It’s like something out of Mad Libs.


Frankly, this is a less nutty idea than Donald Trump as President.


Over half of the country would disagree with you. Frankly, the old demented sock puppet running again is the biggest joke.


Will you honestly answer a question I asked you with the fact that I’ll do the same for you? I don’t see you as a coward, so I’m kinda looking forward to this. Have you prepared yourself for that conversation yet?

No, only the idiots would. Which is a sizable contingent, admittedly.

Folks, this election will not be close. Look at the issues. Women want nothing to do with Trump
and his Supreme Court. Folks want nothing to do with insurrectionists. Lbgqt folks are running and screaming, and for good reason.

So… there is one voting base that actually answers the phone for these polls. They do not represent America.

WE are the moral high ground worldwide BECAUSE we welcome the stranger. This country thrives in diversity, not some 1950’s bullshit ideal.


You’ll see. It’s cool.

Peut etre.

My opinion on immigrants is contrarian and therefore unpopular, a familiar circumstance for me. I’m worried we won’t have enough immigrants, especially the young. The only reason the U.S.'s demographic pyramid looks as good as it does (a pointy column instead of a pyramid) is because of immigrants. Russia’s and China’s demographics are collapsing partly because nobody wants to move to either place. We need immigrants at every skill level. We need young immigrants who will go to school and turn into young American adults who will work hard, pay taxes, and keep our Great Democratic Experiment going for another century.


Very few people can deal with what you outline.

Relatedly, if Trump wins and truly rounds up every il immigrant, the US economy would be crushed, IMO.


That worries you because Trump has demonstrated he’s truly a man of action?

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That is the definition of the current Democrat.

Republicans are perfectly aware that if they somehow disappeared all of the undocumented immigrants the economy would collapse instantly. They won’t do any such thing. They like everything just the way it is, near slave labor for their donor class and an issue they can demagogue to their ignorant bigoted pigfucker base.


Please expand on this statement.

And I also await your response to my question. If it’s too much for you, I get it. Politics are emotional and intense. Not very one can really talk about it. I hope you can.

Democrats absolutely are the insurrectionists. This was proven the way they treated Trump when he was President. Starting with wire tapping a political opponent, the fake fisa warrant, the fake Mueller investigation and the impeachment hoaxes. I won’t go into detail on the election because my post would likely be deleted. And now, of course, the Democrats are trying to take out their biggest political opponent in Trump since they know that they can’t beat him fairly.

Then you have Democrats encouraging violence with the riots and BLM protests that happened.

Here is a clip of Democrats encouraging violence:

Photos of BLM insurrectionists who were encouraged by Democrats:

Had the January 6th riot have been a group of Democrats like the BLM riots were, nothing would have happened. No one would have been charged with anything. It would have been “mostly peaceful” like Democrats tried to say the BLM riots were. If it had been Obama or the old demented sock puppet speaking to a crowd that day instead of Trump, you wouldn’t have heard anything negative about it from the liberal media. And oh by the way, both Obama and the old demented sock puppet have a history of encouraging violence. Democrats set the tone when it came to protesting by the way they handled and encouraged the BLM riots.