The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Meanwhile, at the new and improved RNC:

The Republican National Committee began laying off dozens of staffers on Monday, days after Donald Trump’s handpicked team took the reins of the organization, according to two Republican operatives with knowledge of the dismissals.

The layoffs affect staffers across multiple departments, the sources said. The cuts also go beyond senior staff to vendors and mid-level employees, one of the Republican operatives said. Vendor contracts will likely be cut as well.

Some staff who were asked to resign could reapply for jobs at the organization.

You sign a loyalty pledge and you sign a loyalty pledge and you sign a loyalty pledge…EVERYBODY SIGNS A LOYALTY PLEDGE.

Right at the outset of the interview:

Screenshot 2024-03-12 at 9.02.56 AM

There was one interesting exchange when Hur was asking Biden about a document, showing a photo of Biden holding that document as evidence that Biden was aware of the document. Biden pointed out that they are clearly not the same document because the one in the picture has a completely different layout of headings and text from the one Hur had presented.

It was a hack job from the very beginning.

Oh, and Hur resigned yesterday ahead of his testimony today. So he is no longer bound by DOJ rules against injecting personal opinion into his testimony today.

The NY Times ran numerous “above the fold” articles on Biden’s cognitive decline based on Hur’s report. Now that the transcript is out…

Mr. Biden appeared clearheaded most of the time.

Mr. Biden went into great detail about many matters, the transcript shows. He made jokes over the two days, teasing the prosecutors. And at certain points, he corrected his interrogators when they were the ones who misspoke.

Also, Mister Biden?

Are you better off than you were four years ago? Fuck yes.

Four years ago today:

Trump made an address to the nation to calm fears of a potential pandemic, and the markets halted trading about 15 minutes later.

Yes. The first time you mention a President or former President, you call them Mr. President. Every time after that, it’s Mr. XXX. In written and spoken form.


I prefer “the old demented sock puppet” or “resident Biden.”

Inflation was near 0 4 years ago. The old demented sock puppet took care of that. It is trending back up.

Remember when the old demented sock puppet was let off of his classified document case because he was “old and forgets things”? Remember all of the old demented sock puppet’s press conferences and rallies where he goes blank and starts shouting gibberish?

Face it, Limey, your savior has dementia. But we all know he is nothing more than a puppet.

That’s weird. I can understand it with a former president, as they revert to “Mister” upon leaving office. So “former President Obama blah blah blah…Mister Obama etc. etc.” But the current president didn’t stop being president sometime after the first paragraph…and isn’t Beetlejuice.

Sheila Jackson Lee sums up the entirety of this hearing in less than 30 seconds.

Hur: That is correct.

The transcript of Hur’s interview with Biden is basically a giant pile of dynamite sticks for Democrats to lob at Hur. Swalwell delivering here:

During the interview, Hur complimented Biden on his “photographic” recall. Swalwell hammers Hur’s nuts with a sledgehammer on this blatant contradiction. Also, Swalwell asked Hur if he would promise never to take a job for Trump in the future, and Hur - unemployed as of yesterday - declined to answer.

Schiff gave Hur the third degree on how his editorializing in the report was both factually inaccurate and against department policy. Hur’s only defense was to splutter about it wasn’t his call to make the report public. Schiff not letting him off the hook with that, because any idiot would expect this report to be made public.

While going after this idiot is all well and good, and necessary, Garland still has to answer for this political hit job going out on DOJ letterhead on his watch. Did he read the report before approving its release? Did he not think to check the transcript when he read Hur’s completely unqualified mental health diagnosis of Biden? Merrick got some ‘splainin’ to do.

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That article is so terrible it is almost unreadable. It’s also anti-Black racist, but the controllers are placed beyond accountability for this.

Planes are falling out of the sky and yet the Secretary of Transportation, whose actual job it is, is teflon?

Democrats are some of the most judgmental and racist people in the United States. They support and promote racism, communism and violence.

Hahaha. Madeleine Dean gets Hur to smack himself in the face repeatedly with his own report.

Also, here Dean gently rips Hur’s head off and kicks it around like a football.

This fucker deserves every second of this abject humiliation.

More gaffes from the old demented sock puppet.

Another GOP Rep. is quitting Congress early. Like the end of this month.

Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) said Tuesday he will resign from Congress later this month rather than serve out the remainder of his term through 2024.

Why it matters: The surprise announcement will cause House Republicans’ already razor thin majority to dwindle even further.

What he’s saying: “Today, I am announcing that I will depart Congress at the end of next week,” Buck said in a statement posted to social media.

  • “I look forward to staying involved in our political process, as well as spending more time in Colorado with my family.”

Between the lines: Buck, a member of the right-wing Freedom Caucus, has emerged as a lonely GOP critic of House Republicans’ efforts to impeach President Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

As opposed to the lifers on the other side of the aisle who freely sign their names to anything handed to them by the controllers, without even reading it, in exchange for the use of the taxpayers’ credit cards.

For any stragglers who still believe s-Limey provides a credible summary of events:

Transcript from docs probe contradicts Biden’s account of exchange over son’s death (

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Big news if this comes off.

Liberals don’t consider facts true if they don’t fit the “agenda.”