The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Too good not to share:

All the narratives wrapped up in one image.


First off, I am not your bud. Second, you talk big for a little insecure man. If we were face to face, you would shit and fall back in it. I do not appreciate your threats. After that little blow up of yours, you might want to check your tampon.

My level of interest in the Academy Awards is zero. I don’t know any of the films, I know very few of the actors. I read the plot synopsis of the film you referenced in the other thread and about a third of the way through I wanted to gouge out my eyes. It is absolutely incredible to me that people spend enormous amounts of time and money to engage in this pursuit from all sides. It makes absolutely no sense to me. I do recognize that I am something of an outlier in this area.

Innyhoo, I did thoroughly enjoy the reaction to Kimmel’s reading Trump’s message. It had to send that pathetic cretin into a Teutonic rage to know that he is roundly mocked and scorned by the very people whose adulation he would most covet.


You know that he hates every single one of the mouth-breathers who show up to his rallies, and he would give anything to be accepted and adored by that crowd of liberal elites. That’s why he was hate-watching the awards show in the first place.


Abject losers are good like that.

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Precisement, Hastings.

You talk like you know from experience.

Ok, Dwad.

Let’s try a game. You give an honest response to a question of mine and, in turn, I’ll give you an honest answer to one of yours.

Although I have many, let’s start here.

Your candidate for president has recently used some very “charged language” regarding immigration. Specifically, “poisoning the blood of our country” which unfortunately, was a phrase uttered by Hitler. This in addition to some questionable relationships with folks like Nick Fuentes. How do you square these troubling occurrences with the inclusive nature you proclaim to possess?


The only game I’m interested in right now is the first Astros game.

The old demented sock puppet has said things such as he didn’t want his kids growing up in a “jungle.” That’s quite racist as the conversation was about African Americans. He also used the term “illegals” multiple times just the other day. Once again, that’s quite racist. You seem to support him. I suppose you support racism.

Had Trump have said any of this, you all would be throwing a fit. But since Biden is a Democrat, you look the other way. That is the definition of a hypocrite.

You all have a narrative. If it fits your narrative, you care. If it doesn’t go along with the narrative, you could care less.


Try again. I asked a simple question. And in return I will answer any question you pose to the best of my ability.

This isn’t a “I know you are but what am I?” Request. This isn’t about a “gotcha” question.

This is my absolute last attempt to try and communicate with you.

If you can discuss my question in good faith, I will provide you with the same respect on any question you might have.

You act as if I owe you something. I don’t owe you anything. I would have to listen to what Trump said and see if it was taken out of context like the liberal media likes to do with him. I have not listened to this to have a judgement one way or another.

Yup. We don’t owe each other anything.

Listen away and let’s talk.

The old demented sock puppet is a racist. Everyone who votes for him supports a racist.

I, who put you on to Moondog, challenge and exhort you to watch Anatomy of a Fall, which was nominated for Best Pic last night. (And mysteriously, confusingly, not Int’l Best Pic.) (FWIW, it did win best screenplay.) I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a movie with a more mature depiction of a relationship at its center. Not to mention the best kid-acting I’ve seen ever.

And, obvs, the dog.

Well, you have earned some trust, it’s true. My library now contains a decent bit of Moondog which is a significant improvement over having none.

I read the plot synopsis and did not find myself reaching for a fork. I just watched some of the trailer, why the hell are these people speaking English?

Are we doing this?

Trump Employee #5 in the stollen (sic) documents case has broken his silence and it’s about as damning as you could possibly imagine.

Cannon has another opportunity to rat-fuck the case on Thursday. Pressure on her to do so just got ramped up, as did the pressure on her not to.

I imagine Smith has his appeal mostly written already.

Yet the old demented sock puppet had his documents hidden in his house that his crack head son was shacking up in. I’m sure he wasn’t selling off any classified information. Just like I’m sure that he was qualified for his spot on the Burisma board. I mean why wouldn’t a crack head be worth over a million a year? Surely his father aka “the big guy” didn’t have anything to do with that.

Comedy, and a bit with a dog. That’s what they want.

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Remember how Biden couldn’t remember when his son died, fueling accusations of his mental decline? They released the transcript:

There are many reasons why Biden should have fired Garland a long time ago. This defamatory report coming out of his department is justification enough to do so now.

Biden won’t do it though, because it’s an election year and because Trump et al will scream about politicization of the DOJ (because every accusation is a confession), even though there is every indication - a giant panel of bright red flashing lights, actually - that Garland has been soft-peddling all the investigations into Trump and his cohorts.

Hopefully, Biden wins in November and Garland will be allowed to step down from the new administration. We will be left to count up the cost of the crimes on which the statutes of limitations that has expired while he sat on his principles doing nothing.

ETA: Hur is testifying in front of the House Judiciary committee today. Raskin, Swalwell, Jayapal, Demmings, Jeffries et al are going to rip him to shreds.

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