The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

You are correct. Also, I’m proud of that. Suck it.

I’ve never seen someone proud to be illiterate. No thanks, I’m not into that sort of thing. You are a very sad individual.

Great. I’m glad we’re on the same page.

Now explain to me why you cannot accept transsexuals into our society and give them them the same respect you give anyone else in your life. Please include quotes from our ol’ pal Jesus while you’re at it.

Here’s some guidance…

Here I am as an atheist. Why would I care about transsexuals? Could it be that I genuinely care about humanity? That I would like to see a world that is inclusive? Your war on “woke” is just an excuse to ignore basic decency.

Are you really scared shitless about high school girls sports? Do you actually think someone would go through the emotional torture from bullies like yourself just to get a small advantage in a fucking game?

Guys can dress in girl clothes or a girl can dress in guy’s clothes all they want and I could care less. They just need to use their own bathroom and play sports with others their own gender. I don’t need a 6’4” 240 pound guy barreling over my daughter on the basketball court. Men are stronger physically than women. I don’t bully transgender or homosexual people. I don’t bully anyone who doesn’t bully me first (you). I have a friend who is homosexual. It’s all in how they act as to whether they have my respect.

I have a question for you. I raise cattle. Should I buy two bulls to raise cattle? Will two bulls give me baby cows if there are no female cows?

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Please provide examples of how transgenders in high school sports actually are an issue for you. Or me…

So a confused Heterosexual male in your world says: “omg!!! If I just subject myself to daily harassment and medications that alter my chemical reactions to puberty, I can fucking dominate!!!”

Do you really think this is how it works? Please be honest.

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And I’ll just go ahead and say it…

“I have a friend that is homosexual” is exactly as dumb as saying “I have a friend who is black”.

Try treating people the same for a bit and see how it makes you feel.

Your comment is the essential difference between Implicit and Explicit Bias. You should educate yourself on the difference if you want to have any hope of your grandchildren respecting you.

You are the one who said I don’t accept homosexuals in society. I said I have one who is a friend. Use your brain. You are really as dumb as a board.

I provided one example. I do not want a 6’4” 240 pound dude who identifies as a girl barreling over my daughter. That absolutely is a problem for me. Men are stronger physically than women.

I do treat people well until they treat me poorly. You are currently treating me poorly. So, I will treat you poorly in return. You don’t treat people who don’t vote Democrat the same as someone who voted Democrat. You might read what you asked me to do and act on it yourself. Democrats are some of the most combative, racist, narcissistic hypocrites alive.

I can confidently and without hesitation use the ol’:


You. Are. A. Sonowflake.

“Having a homosexual friend” and yet voting against that said friend in every conceivable way is NOT being a friend. Good luck with your “friend”.

I’m not crying. You are the one with two long winded responses to my one. Try not to get so worked up.

My friend voted against the old demented sock puppet. Just because he is a homosexual does not mean he has to vote Democrat. You are a racist.

Kimmel ftw

Sadly it seems we have only just begun peeling this onion.

Not least of which - as SNL very quickly and easily demonstrated - when it happened, where it happened, and who was president at the time.

After the SOTU response and Nancy Mace’s horrific faceplant at the weekend, it seems the GOP has decided to go all-out to defend Trump being found liable for rape. “Defending the indefensible” is basically a full time job now for everyone from Trump’s lawyers to Mitch McConnell.

Using a rape victim’s story without her consent is a horrific violation of a survivor’s trust. Tweaking it to fit a political narrative to defend a rapist, is about a low as it gets.

The Jimmy Kimmel moment - where he mocked the former president in front of a world audience to uproarious laughter in the room - for anyone interested.


Wait… weren’t you upset that Trump made fun of Biden the other day? You are such a hypocrite.

…and they’re not just talking about STDs at The Villages.

It’s the QOP, Limey/Ray.
They’re a gaggle of slimy, bottom-feeding lowlifes with no regard for others.

They may all collectively eat a sack of shit.

People like you are what is wrong with America.

Kindly go ball up your fist and go fuck yourself, bud.

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You, and yours are reprehensible fuckwits and if we were in person, I’d sure as shit tell that to your face.
Seriously, brah, you’re sadly laughable, I’m sorry you weren’t hugged enough as a child, that you were picked last for kickball, or that you didn’t have a prom date, but get a fucking life and go back to the bridge you’re supposed to be guarding, you troll.

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