The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Nancy Mace tries to use her own sexual assault to deflect the fact that Trump has been found liable for raping and defaming E. Jean Carroll.

Stephanopoulos getting props here for doing a basic job of not chasing the rabbits. Good boy! Walkies?

I guess. He certainly let her go on and on about immigration and never asked why she wouldnā€™t support a bill to address it.

Thatā€™s how afraid the mainstream media is of the MAGA crowd. They get props for calling out one lie amongst a stream of them.


Trump re-defamed Carroll last night, using the same schtick that itā€™s a made-up story by a woman heā€™s never met.

So we now know that $91 million is not enough to get him to STFU. The next award against him is going to be immense.

I have frequently made the pop-culture reference (that no one gets) that the GOP will eat itself.

Exhibit N:

Leadership asked him to work on a bill. He did, and got a deal struck. But governing is not what the GOP does, and Lankford almost took away a campaign issue so he gets reprimanded.

You ridicule the messier aspects of democracy and support a party where there is no debate or dissent and all policy is set by unelected controllers. You are terrified by the world you see outside the window of your trailer and you want the controllers to make every decision for you.

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The psychology underlying your post is truly fascinating.

Your very-belated recognition you support a political party controlled by murderers who actively organized and financed the genocidal targeting of women and children was mildly encouraging.

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No. Simply put, when you continuously denigrate and punch down on marginalized groups of people using your religion as an excuse instead of admitting your blatant bigotry, you donā€™t get to have it both ways. If you want to hide behind Jesus, then fucking own it.


Iā€™ll save you the trouble Dwad, you can stop typing.

-sock puppet blah blah blah

-momā€™s basement blah blah blah

-Weed is bad mā€™kay

Did I get all of it?

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You degrade people every day. You are making a feeble attempt at degrading me now. I pegged you for an atheist a long time ago. Itā€™s fine and thatā€™s your choice. But you are a Democrat, which makes you a petulant, two faced, lying hypocrite. Thatā€™s fine too and it is your choice.

Damn straight I donā€™t believe in an old man in the sky. Proud of it. So when I make fun of you, itā€™s me doing it. I donā€™t hide behind a sense of moral superiority derived from Santa Claus.

Cristian Nationalism is openly embraced by your party and candidate. Religion at its core is about morals and how to treat people with respect. Itā€™s not just you that ignores this, itā€™s the entire Cristian Nationalist movement. Itā€™s an abomination to what they claim to represent.

ETA: yes, I do typically vote Democratic. Not because of religion, but because of the fact that Iā€™m represented despite my lack of religion.

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Iā€™m not sure you understand how pegging works.

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Maybe Taylor Swift can offer some pointers.

I can generally tell who is an atheist. Limey likely is. There are also a couple more in here that I suspect are. You can tell by how they act and how they treat other people. Unfortunately, that is what the Democrat Party has turned into. They are a very judgmental, racist, unhappy bunch who go through life thinking everything should go their way. Basically like a spoiled young child. It was one of my main reasons why I was proud to change my political affiliation away from the Democrat Party.

Iā€™m not sure you understand how to count to 10. Iā€™m also not convinced that you wouldnā€™t drown in a rain storm.

You canā€™t even spell Christian. Wow thatā€™s sad.

Spoiled young children are atheists! Thatā€™s a new level of rant.

No I didnā€™t say that. I said a lot (not all) of atheists act like a spoiled young child. Liberals have a tough time reading.

Nope. An atheist is the definition of self reliance. Any good or bad deed I do is on me. You however, need inspiration to do something ā€œgoodā€. And you bear zero responsibility for your bad deeds. Itā€™s lazy and alsoā€¦ lazy.

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There you go judging people again. You donā€™t know me and you donā€™t have a clue what I do day to day. I have never picked a fight with you. You always attack me with an insult first because I donā€™t vote Democrat and I donā€™t support some of the things you do. I do take up for myself and I do not take shit from you. You might look in the mirror and do a few things to correct your bad deeds. Learn how to spell while you are at it.