The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

I’m Limey and I approve this parody.

The Biden bit just before it was fucking terrible.

I thought the Jindal response would last eternal as a masterclass on how to be as awkward as possible on live TV, but then Rubio one upped him.

I was not prepared for this though. I mean, this has to be some kind of epic joke by the GOP at this point. Do they not vet any of this? Or is that money already being spent on Trumps legal bills?


That’s great, I love it!

Yes. Of course you do. Making fun of a stutter is super-duper Christian.

I personally could give less than two shits about any make believe god. But unfortunately it has to be addressed, since your party and cult leader embrace it (for various purposes) and make it a part of their political platform.

So, are you one of those CINO’s? A Christian in Name Only? I mean, if you aren’t, and want to make fun of disabilities, that simply makes you a normal run of the mill dick. But…. If you want to claim the moral high ground with religion… this makes you a fucking fraud. On every level.

Neither is a good look for you.


The QOP and its ilk are a fucking joke.

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The guy who screeches about the stollen election and the Biden Crime Family is the same asshole who’s terribly uncomfortable with some
of his fellow human beings trying to sort out their lives because they aren’t comfortable identifying with a particular gender.

You think he’s really going to exemplify Christian principles and not make fun of someone with a speech impediment?

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It’s up there with swindling money from poor people.

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Says the maggot who worships a demented old child molester. You guys make fun of Trump daily. Yet when someone makes fun of your precious old demented sock puppet it is now un Christian. Democrats are the definition of a hypocrites. You are a very sad individual.




No, filth, the discomfort is with expecting society to screech to a halt and the taxpayers to provide for the lives of those who can’t figure out the most basic of notions. Or those defectives who do it to excel in sports and by so doing depriving wholesome girls opportunities to excel.

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Nailed it.

What was the deal with the teacup? Is it some cultural reference that offends Christians? I’d like to know if I’m supposed to be offended.

You’re to be offended when girls are not wholesome. “Wholesome” means getting knocked up at 16 and giving out handjobs in public theaters.

That’s who I’d vote for!

Unsurprising you take Appalachian behaviors and ascribe those to more civilized regions when defending an Appalachian whose family tree has loops in it.

Don’t they all?

Are these unwholesome individuals getting the free housing from the Democrats? Or is that only for the brown illegals?

It’s a reference to “Get Out”. Drugged tea was part of the process of kidnapping young black people so that their bodies can be hosts for old white people.