The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

I’m not miffed about anything. The only thing the old demented sock puppet did other than wobble around was stutter and raise his voice as he shouted lie after lie. That may look strong to you as you have your video game on pause to watch the speech as you were munching on fruit loops in your parent’s basement. Hell, I’m just glad the old demented sock puppet didn’t trip and fall last night. I’m sure his depends were getting pretty heavy.

In a further boost to Biden’s re-election chances, Lara Trump has been installed as the RNC Co-Chair.

Also by the logic of his ilk is that any criminal prosecution is a political stunt to get Trump. In that world, if you did anything wrong you’d be charged, and if you’re charged it’s proof you did nothing wrong. They use circular logic to make sure there are no holes in it.

Your statement is complete bullshit. But you believe and support everything Limey says, no matter how false or dangerous his comments are.

That’s not true. I vehemently disagree about the lack of a headphone jack on my iPhone.


So I’m convinced the republican response was an AI generated video of this picture/meme:



I’ll agree that @Limey’s comments about AI-computerizing his home and his obsession with RDR2 are dangerous red flags


Go Fix Yourself.

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Might take quite awhile for that to happen.

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Although I do appreciate the concern, I’m doing great. You might see what kind of meds Limey’s psychiatrist prescribed him if you are having troubles, though.

Do you know by experience?

Just sent this to his office via his .gov:

“Troy Nehls’ attire at the SOTU last night was an affront to all decent Americans in his district. His attire shows a complete lack of decorum, a lack of respect for the institution of the House, and suggests that his understanding of the issues affecting the American people and the people of District 22 is extremely lacking. His continued water carrying for Donald Trump leaves one to believe he’s less interested in representing us than he is in agitating and appearing on conservative media outlets. We don’t need a grandstanding representative, we need a person who is serious about the issues that affect us and this nation and Troy’s high school level antics suggest he is not fit for his job.
Shame on you Troy.”


So, as an insurance guy, this Chubb thing has me scratching my head. Now, getting the conspiracy theory out of the way first, Chubb’s CEO is a former Trump campaign advisor. But I doubt you’ll find many CEO’s of major financial entities who aren’t Trump supporters, so I’m going to set that aside.

Chubb is a publicly-traded company valued at $40 billion, so $90 million is a drop in the bucket. But it’s still $90 million. Assuming that they didn’t simply take as read the Statement of Financial Condition from a guy who has been fined nearly half-a-billion dollars for falsifying his SFC, it’s hard to imagine that they managed to validate $90 million of assets that Trump owns free and clear in the time allowed.

Maybe they did. Maybe Trump has a property or small number of properties with enough true equity to collateralize the bond that he could offer up to make it possible in the time available. For Chubb, I hope that’s the case. Because if they wrote this bond on a nod and a handshake from Trump, then they’re in for a world of hurt.

And Trump still has at least one more big bill to pay. Paying that piper could implode Trump’s finances leaving Chubb with a $90 million bad debt. Or, Trump could have real equity in his properties to collateralize a bond in that case too. If he does, then another bond is doable, but it’s going to require a much longer walk around Trump’s portfolio to validate the unencumbered value.

But even in the rosiest of circumstances for Trump, he will have $650 million of his portfolio equity now subject to insurance company liens and locked down. Unavailable for sale or even refinancing without the say so of the court-appointed manager and now Chubb. He was likely breaching the liquidity ratios of some/many of his existing loans, and this loss of equity probably pushes him far over the edge.

Oh, and Trump is going to lose his appeals, so eventually those bills will come due. What happens if he stiffs Chubb when the time comes? They have to pay Carroll no matter what, and then it’ll be on them to collect from Trump. Even if Trump could pay, you know he won’t and will drag Chubb through the wringer in an effort to pay less than 100 cents on the dollar.

Did they charge a big enough premium for the risk they’ve taken on?

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Trump was right again.

Do you have some sort of crystal ball or inside evidence? Once he gets away from liberal judges he will be fine. I fully expect the Supreme Court to intervene at some point and put a stop to the political witch hunt. Once he wins the election, he can pardon himself and go after the maggots that are going after him.

Try not making shit up once in your life and see how it feels. You’ll have to do this while you are on your meds.

Nicely said. Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t Troy Nehls previously a Fort Bend County sheriff before running for Congress?

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t Troy Nehls previously a Fort Bend County sheriff before running for Congress?


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This is pretty embarrassing too.

Thought so. I live in an unincorporated section of Harris County in west Houston, so I thought I remembered seeing him on the local news when he served as Fort Bend County sheriff.

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