The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

I truly believe Limey has mental issues. He has to lie to cover up his previous lies to try to make himself look credible. Some of the information he posts is dangerous to other readers. Limey really needs to seek psychiatric care.

“What the hell am I watching?” is the only correct reaction.

I’m a little lost here. Is the lie that Jackson was demoted, or that he was demoted for taking Ambien on duty and not because of the reports that he handed out speed in the Trump White House?

Clearly the Navy‘s response was politically motivated. Jackson would perform better on alcohol and ambien.


While Trump cosplays as a strongman (the same way he cosplays as a smart man and a rich man); Biden came out firing last night. He told Putin to go fuck himself; he told the GOP to their faces to go fuck themselves over blocking Ukraine aid and told the Supreme Court to their faces (the ones with the balls to show up, that is) to go fuck themselves over Dobbs.

The Howler Monkey Caucus tried to heckle and derail him. Instead of telling people to beat them up and throw them out, he rope-a-doped them into supporting his positions. The border is all they have - see the bizarre rape-filled rebuttal speech - and Biden destroyed them on it last night.

The Biden campaign reported that the 9pm hour was the biggest single hour of fundraising of the campaign so far. That was until the 10pm hour, when they blew past that earlier mark.

But nothing else demonstrates how well Biden did better than the in-the-moment reactions of Trump and the RWNM, that Biden was too loud and talking too fast. RIP the senile old coot in his basement trope.


We must not have watched the same thing last night. Biden displayed himself to be the bumbling old demented sock puppet that he is. He was late. I’m guessing that he had to make a run to get more depends so he would have something to soil in while he was making a fool out of himself. He tried to act forceful but only stuttered and made himself look older than what he actually is. His random shouting is laughable. He did not address the major issues at the border. He did not address inflation. Instead, he tried to blame Trump for his massive list of failures. It’s not a good look. The old demented sock puppet was a massive failure last night and made the United States look very weak and vulnerable. The election can’t get here soon enough.

Trump posts the full bond amount to stave off execution of the $83.3 million judgment against him in the E. Jean Carroll case. The bond is written by the “Federal Insurance Company”, which is paper owned by Chubb.

The lie is the claim that he was a drug dealer, you dumb-as-a-board hick. You can’t have a message board and freely permit such slander, especially when you are NOT a “free speech zone.” I’m going to try to ping Jackson on Linkedin to give him the play-by-play here. I hope Jackson sues HH into Chapter 7.

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“Dropped” really doesn’t describe this adequately.

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He’d have a great defense and an excellent legal team.


“Candyman” Jackson will have to sue the DOD Inspector General first

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How much of a lie is it? There were many articles about controlled substances being prescribed in Trump’s White House, without verifying patient identities. Are you disputing that, or just Jackson’s responsibility/role in that?

A perfect example of your complete dishonesty- if Jackson or anyone did that then they would be up on criminal charges. There was a report on the pharmacy dispensing controlled substances and a “claim” of Jackson prescribing without knowing the patient. But it is a willful lie to merge the two. You may get a ‘nyuk nyuk’ out of it but you are a POS to think that way.

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Xannie Jackson is pill mill masquerading as an alcoholic sex pest who’s high on his own supply.

The Department of Defense inspector general has issued a scathing review of Rep. Ronny Jackson during his time serving as the top White House physician, concluding that he made “sexual and denigrating” comments about a female subordinate, violated the policy for drinking alcohol while on a presidential trip and took prescription-strength sleeping medication that prompted concerns from his colleagues about his ability to provide proper care.

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Happy International Women’s Day!


This article states that the drugs were disbursed without knowing the patient identities. It doesn’t mention Jackson, so I guess you maintain he wasn’t involved. It was under his watch though. I guess he was too wasted to know who was actually disbursing the drugs.

BTW, using your logic that if it happened, someone would have been prosecuted, doesn’t hold as no one to my knowledge has been prosecuted, yet it happened.

What are your thoughts about the old demented sock puppet showering with his daughter? How about Hunter’s missing teeth? Is that drug related? Then there is the “mysterious white powder” that Hunter left in the White House that the liberal media conveniently forgot about. Oh and the pictures of Hunter with underage girls? Is that all ok? Or are we just a brain dead hypocrite?

Yes, people REALLY fucking care what is said on a sub board of a baseball site you crazy fuck. Please waste your time and money on this!



64% of liberals thought it was a hit.

100% of Dwads made up their mind before it started.

Biden had a good showing and you’re clearly miffed by it.