The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

He can’t even put political differences aside at the sitting president’s annual State of the Union. He’s shaking his head in disagreement quite frequently.

Biden is doing great with the Border bill part of his speech.

Johnson told his members to hold their water because Biden won the back and forth battle last time. They didn’t listen, and he’s rope-a-doping the shit out of them tonight.

Now there’s a wise man. Also, this is weird but in my novel I’m writing, the team from Hot Springs plays the team from Texarkana. Now I know the mascot for the Texarkana team!

Or morals.


Pretty damn good stem winder from the Old Man.


Can’t believe Uncle Joe had time to make this speech considering the high crimes and misdemeanors he’s apparently committed according to the fuckwit QOP.

Nicole Wallace just described this as a “how d’ya like them apples?” speech.

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Here’s my fucking congressman. What a fucking embarrassment.


Gay for Trump?

The Republican response is quite something. It’s like they just saw Biden’s speech and decided to do exactly the opposite of that.

Oh wow! It just took a hard turn to the horrific. Biden is responsible for the gang rape of a poor girl sex trafficked - told with graphic details. It’s way darker than even Trump’s depraved worst. Holy fuck!

This response is anecdotal fear mongering of the highest order. One of the most cringy conversations by a politician I’ve ever seen.


I think she thinks she’s nailing it. But none of it matches reality. It’s beyond cringeworthy.

My fucking god… are there people actually buying what this woman is selling in the response?! It’s like a terrible performance on a b-list movie. SNL will have a FIELD DAY with this.

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“Are you better off now than you were three years ago?”


Mine too. What a vile human being. Imagine the number of innocent people in prison because of him.


I mean seriously… do repugs actually require this over-dramatization? Can they not just talk like a fucking human?


A woman speaking from the kitchen. Do they not see the problem with that?


You are a pathological liar.

Raw Story:
A Navy official confirmed the service branch took unspecified action against Jackson in response to the 2021 inspector general report, which found that he berated subordinates, “made sexual and denigrating statements” toward a woman who served under him and took the sleep drug Ambien and drank alcohol with subordinates while on duty.

HH, you allow Limey to lie and censor factual posts about Kamala Harris. It’s your board, so you can do as you please, but don’t pretend to jhave any integrity as you do not.

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