The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

While he’s correctly identified real issues that are bringing Texas further down, I wonder if he’ll ever vote against a Republican.

A realignment is possible in Texas, basically one that pits the angry crazies against everyone else, but that realignment requires action on more than the Democratic side.

That’s the entire fucking problem. Not just at the candidate level, but among voters across America, too. The concept of today’s political allegiance resembling being a fan of your favorite sports team and supporting them blindly regardless of their actions needs to stop. Likewise, just because you’ve voted Republican or Democrat a long time doesn’t mean you should throw out your critical thinking skills and automatically vote that way without properly assessing candidates and the policies they support.


A realignment of a state whose top elected officials are Greg Abbott, Dan Patrick and Ken Paxton is not possible. The state is the Anus of Civilization and only shit is possible.


This is awesome. Trump tried to argue that he’d suffer irreparable injury if the Carroll settlement wasn’t stayed, and they judge said that paying his bills is not “irreparable injury.”

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Well you’ll have to come to Arkansas to find out. Just drive up 59, then when you get to Texarkana park at the state line, drop your pants, and face Dallas.

Note – the pegging is not likely to come from a Swiftie, but from some hillbilly in overalls. You’ll know it’s a true Arkansas experience if the pegger hollers “Woo Peg Sooie!” which is local vernacular known as “Calling the Pegs.”


You’re one of my favorite people in the whole world.


Is this the source of the line “squeal like a peg?”

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Jesus Fucking Christ, Craig. I just almost snorted beer out my fucking nose laughing while sitting at the bar.


Just wait until I finish my novel. Y’all are going to laugh your dicks off.


Yes, probably, though I don’t know that particular Taylor Swift break-up song.


Will the Howler Monkey Caucus be able to hold its water tonight? I’m guessing Boebert does some whooping because she needs to show her new district that she’s “working for them.”

She might be to busy giving MTG a handjob.


Actually, my grandmother lived a block off state line–the 30s East Texas league team was the Texarkana Liners. My aunts all said that my father hated Arkansas, and would never cross state line. Now I know why.

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MTG is such trash. Wearing a fucking MAGA baseball hat at the SOTU.


That updo and blue dress is a good look for her.

Camera ready.

Joe Biden; a sound engineer’s worst nightmare.

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Mike Johnson has no poker face whatsoever.

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Biden is a pig in shit. He loves this.

The more excited he gets, the faster he talks. The faster he talks, the more he slurs his words together. He needs to slow it down.