The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

DON’T Google it.

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“The Halfway Post” is satire, you demented pathological liar.

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Sign me up!!!

Wait…did I just think that out loud?

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Now I’m disappointed that it’s not real.

I can stand a little more peril! Really, I can!


No notes.


It’s too perilous.

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Limey found his safe space. a circle-jerk where cis are not welcome.

Xannie Jackson continues to call himself a retired Rear Admiral, when he was in fact demoted to Captain due to him being the Trump administration’s in-house drug dealer.

I don’t know what “pegging” is but being done so by a bunch of cute swifties does not seem like such a bad thing…

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Depends on how many is “a bunch.” Could get pretty bad.

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It’s odd that you get bent out of shape and rightly point out this is fake news, but unquestionably enjoy similar shit when it fits your view.

It’s a pretty common trait these days, but odd nonetheless.

Wow you just described how you, Limey and some of the other hardcore liberals on here act.

For anyone concerned about those “undecided” protest voters:

During his State of the Union address, President Joe Biden will announce an “emergency” military mission to construct a port in the Mediterranean Sea on Gaza’s coast to get humanitarian aid in, senior officials said Thursday.

Fuck, for me, on this particular issue, it’s about far more than humanitarian aid. It’s more about not being Netanyahu’s bitch, and being a neutral and moral broker.


It’s a start, but until they stop supporting the slaughter:

I don’t think it’s going to sway as many as they might hope. What happened on October 7th was horrific and unconscionable. But so is killing tens of thousands of women and children. The US should have no part in what this response has become.

I think Nietzsche was on to something about that abyss thing…


The article says “plans” to send. If Netanyahu reacts badly to the humanitarian effort, I dare say those plans will change.

As Winston Churchill (allegedly) said: "Americans can always be trusted to do the right thing…once all other possibilities have been exhausted.”

So much winning.

…and winning and winning.

Kaplan in an order Thursday rejected that request, writing that Trump’s “current situation is a result of his own dilatory actions.”

Such a polite way of saying he fucked around and is finding out.


Texas GOP is a disgrace and doing its best to destroy Texas.