The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

The thing is, there aren’t really Haley voters; there are Republicans who can’t bring themselves to vote for Trump or a Democrat. Haley is not bringing any voters with her who wouldn’t’ be voting for Trump anyway. She adds nothing to the ticket except baggage from the primary.

Noem and Mace solid lib-baiters, which is what Trump will want. Also, never forget that Trump judges people on looks first, and Haley doesn’t glow up like the other two.


Rick Wilson lays it out.

Nikki Haley earned the votes and support of millions of Republican and conservative independent voters in her brief time in the spotlight.

She’s about to break their hearts for nothing.

What does she get out of this?

She gets to tell the millions of Republicans desperate for an alternative to Trump that every word she spoke to them was a political lie.

She gets to tell her donors the fight was just too hard.

She gets to tell them she’s comfortable with the man she described as mentally unwell just days ago, too old for the job, and destined to lose against Joe Biden.

She gets to wind back her morally correct condemnations of Trump’s vile character, criminal exposure, abusive nature, and grotesque abuses of power.

She gets to end her career the moment that endorsement is made. MAGA will never forgive her.

And she gets to tell her daughter and every little girl who saw her on the campaign trail that she’s endorsing a rapist, an abuser, and a serial adulterer who will snatch away their freedoms.

She’ll lose any primary she runs in in South Carolina, even after Trump is dead. MAGA never forgives or forgets.

She’ll never get a job in a second Trump administration.

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OK, I’ll bite: how would she appear to be “moderate”?

“(Haley) will send your kids to die so she can buy a bigger house.”

More to the point, Kari Lake is also the presumed Republican candidate for Senate in Arizona. Even without Sinema, that race is still looking like a toss up at the moment and there are other syncophants in the maga/QOP who don’t have that caveat.

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It apparently took four hours for the GOP to realize that yesterday was not, in fact, Primary Election Day in the state of Arizona.

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Only the best people…


Trump creating content for Democrats:

Anyone to the left of Pol Pot, Hitler, Mussolini etc is a communist to Republicans. They would’ve called for Nixon to be strung up he was so “liberal”.


Hell, they’d have Ronald Reagan drawn and quartered.


Don’t even start on that Jesus chap. He gave handouts to poor people and welcomed the stranger. Fuckin commie…


The associate pastor (and my best friend) at my church in Maryland nonchalantly threw in that Jesus would likely have been a communist, or at least a socialist in today’s society, into a sermon. Half of the church laughed and cheered. The other half of the church sat there in stony silence. It was a genius comment


It’s all projection.

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Elise Stefanik: Are you better off than you were four years ago?

Four years ago:

ETA: In the SOTU address tonight, Biden should run through the stats of where we were four years ago as to where we are now.

Russia’s border with NATO just got a little longer today, as Sweden officially joins the alliance.


Guess we shouldn’t kink shame the guy but he doesn’t have to wait for the Swifties, I’m sure his wife would be happy to take care of that particular…idiom…for him.

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The Biden campaign should do a daily ad on this, showing the events from 4 years ago.


Peg them? What exactly does that mean? I’m trying to decide whether I want to volunteer to be pegged by Taylor Swift and an army of young women, so I’d like a detailed account of what that entails.

Anyone want to take this one?



I guess if I don’t know what it is, I’ll pass. I’m sure they’ll be going door to door in my neighborhood soon, and I’ll just have to say no.