The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

This isn’t even funny. I’m actually embarrassed for how dumb she is.


Just a quick reminder that, whatever day it is, Rand Paul is out there somewhere being a cunt.

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It’s beggars belief that anyone would vote for someone who would say something like this. Especially since Congress has been raiding the fund for decades (remember how Gore got lampooned for his ‘lock box’ comments?). Paul’s statement shows his utter lack of morals or decency and it says a lot about him, his party and the people that vote for them.


Hey Siri! Why are Republicans so fixated on Biden’s age, when their guy is only 3 years younger?


And why they keep putting off doing something about the border, like voting on the bill the Homeland Security, the Border Patrol and everyone else that’s really involved (not poutragedly involved) says is the best bill in 30 years for dealing with the issue–they have nothing to run on. No policies, no meaningful legislation passed or proposed. The Rs exist to gain power and money and to pay Trump’s legal bills.


Well one can’t walk in a straight line and can’t put together a coherent sentence and is clearly battling dementia. Trump is still very sharp and doesn’t trip over a blade of grass.

The old demented sock puppet is an embarrassment and the American people are tired of how weak he makes us look. Some examples of why the old demented sock puppet is too old and demented to be President.

Maybe I’m missing something but I’m not sure what the hell he was trying to say in any of these videos. But I’m clearly not up to Democrat thinking standards since I see a 9-0 Supreme Court win for Trump and Democrats see 5-4.

You forgot further the interests of Putin Russia.


You’re right, the most glaringly obvious point and I missed it!

McConnell endorses Trump, solidifying his place in the special hell.


The cowardly way is the only way he can be.

I read his quotes and one was about opposing Biden’s terrible policies. This is ingrained in the cult and even cult peripheries like Haley, but we rarely hear specific complaints. The only one that immediately comes to mind is the border, but Republicans have effectively discarded that one. It’s obviously not that important to them. Just what are the other policies that they fear so much? I see the idiot here talk about energy, and he’s obviously misinformed since we’re either near or at an all-time high in US oil extraction.

Bottom line, most of these fuckers don’t even know what they’re angry about but they’re still supremely pissed and determined to follow a grifting piece of shit any direction he wants them to go.


Democrats love open borders. Trump will close it back up day 1.

How is this even a question. Why do you think she dropped out?

Can she spell VP?

She’ll have to mud wrestle Kari Lake for it, but I can’t imagine the job isn’t hers. She has a significant reach advantage.

She’ll be their choice to appear “moderate”. Lake can’t do that.

Exactly. Limey asked where her voters would go…they’ll got to Trump/Haley.

Trump isn’t going to pick Haley. She said too many true lastly things about him, and he’s all about retribution. It will be a lickspittle who says nice things about him 24/7. Kari Lake would seem to fit the bill, but Trump may consider her a loser (because she is).

If I were a betting man, my money would be on Kristi Noem or Nancy Mace.

For your sake, I hope you aren’t. Not being able to count won’t serve you well gambling.

Haley will recant all of those things when told to.