The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Everyone get ready, WVDUMBASS is typing a well thought out, long, failed insult.

This is way too confusing. It’s either 9-0 or 5-4. (Keep it simple for them - words like “concurring” make their eyes glaze over like the goldfish they are. )

Best of luck to all of the Democrats here in your process of learning how to count. Maybe try taking your shoes off to count to 9? Using your fingers clearly isn’t working.

Bob Menendez and his wife - as expected - hit with superseding indictments for more fraud and corruption. He must be getting close to the point on this well-worn path of refusing to step down in the face of allegations and charges…where he steps down. Please.

A judge has ruled that a defamation case against Kari Lake for never shutting the fuck up about losing her election…can go ahead. Looking forward to another blowhard getting bankrupted by consequences.

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Jasmin Crockett just won her primary in a landslide. There is no Republican opponent for her district, so she will be back in Congress next term.

That noise you hear is Comer Pyle’s toilet flushing.


Colin Allred is the Democratic nominee to run against Raphael Cruz.


Haley is poised to scoop Al, the delegates from Vermont, so be ready for Trump to unload on Vermont and threaten to give it to Canada or something. Trump is running the table everywhere else, but Haley is still picking off a significant chunk of GOP primary voters.

Biden continues to pull in over 90% of the vote on the Democratic side. The only non-Biden delegates (2) have been won by “undecided”.

Haley projected as the winner in Vermont.

In vastly more shocking news, Biden loses Western Samoa by 11 votes: 51 to 40.


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State parties have been struggling to raise money because Trump is hoovering up all the small-dollar donations. He is going to burn through hundreds of millions. The national GOP election effort is projected to be broke by July.

I think you ring glossing over some discontent amongst Democrats regarding Biden. There seem to be a number of states where 15% or so didn’t vote for Biden.

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People are not excited about the old demented sock puppet.

They’re not voting for another candidate, they’re protest-voting the position on Gaza.

Still can’t count I see. Did you get through elementary school?

And down goes Haley. She was afraid of siphoning votes away from Trump.

Nikki Haley will suspend her campaign and leave Donald Trump as the last major Republican candidate (

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The big question is now: does she endorse Trump?

Oh, and congratulations Senator Shifty Schiff.

The “big question” for you is what is 2 + 3 ?

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