The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

In effect, … you are completely and utterly full of shit. It was a 9-0 decision. You are a pathological liar- you will lie about anything.

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Limey knows nothing other than to lie. He adds nothing of value. It is a shame that some people believe his garbage. Only Limey can see a 9-0 verdict as a 5-4 verdict.

Trump just filed to have the verdict in the 2nd E. Jean Carroll lawsuit vacated. I assume this a routine filing and will get summarily booted.

In the meantime, he has until Saturday to settle the $83.3 million award to Carroll, or face legal action to seize his bank accounts and assets. To avoid enforcement, he has to post a bond of over $90 million with the court; Trump offered $24 million.

Interestingly, there are reports that Trump is now claiming to have all the money he needs to post collateral for both this and the NY business fraud case in cash. That remains to be seen, but it’s curious that this coincides with reports that visitors to Mar-a-Lago in recent days included Victor Orban and Elon Musk.

I think anyone with a brain knows these “trials” are nothing more than a “get Trump” scheme to try to get him out of the picture. He’s way ahead in every poll. Independents and rational Democrats (rare) are now starting to support him to keep the old demented sock puppet from winning. It will all go away once Trump wins.

Good. The fewer unserious people in Congress the better.

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) will not seek a second term, she announced Tuesday after more than a year of side-stepping questions about her political future.

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Agreed on the unserious part. If only we could find a way to get rid of all Democrats.

In effect, maybe you should read, and possibly comprehend the nuance of what he wrote before you deem it a lie. Nothing he wrote was incorrect.

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So, him saying 5-4 was the actual vote isn’t a lie?

There was a five justice majority opinion, which was joined only in concurrence by the other four who disagreed with the scope of the majority decision. They even wrote out all their reasons and everything!


…yet it was a 9-0 ruling.

Whoa…that’s just lawyer mumbo jumbo used to frighten and confuse us.


And yet there was a five justice majority opinion, a one justice opinion concurring in part and in the judgment, and a third opinion by three justices concurring only in the judgment. It’s not up to me to understand how this works for you. You can just read it for yourself.


I believe that doing their own research is a highly attuned skill of Trumpanzees.

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I did read it. It was a 9-0 decision in favor of not kicking Trump off of the ballot. Each Supreme Court Justice voted to not kick Trump off of the ballot.

Even though Limey and you are having a difficult time understanding the 9-0 outcome, it is a moot point. Even if those 4 imaginary votes to kick Trump off of the ballot had happened, it would be a 5-4 outcome, still in favor of leaving Trump on the ballot.

I guess 5-4 just sounds better than 9-0 to liberals. Still a loss for liberals either way.

The person in your meme (I freaking hate memes by the way) is clearly a Democrat as he is full of shit.

Dwad is literally the kid in elementary school that had to get the last clap in at an assembly.

Regardless of how fucking stupid the statement is, he has to say the last thing about it so that he “won” and “made you look like a fool”.

Super fun. I really do get why so many people have him on ignore, the act wears thin fast.


Says the maggot who lives in his parent’s basement smoking weed all day. Go slide down a razor blade little guy.

I love how Democrats can’t count. 9-0 is not 5-4. Unbelievable how dumb some people are.

Yep, nothing but insults and a bumper sticker level of understanding the world at large.

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Says the guy who thinks 9-0 is 5-4.