The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

You are simply full of shit and don’t understand the definitions of half of the words you type. I’ve been giving you and OK_Boomer a chance, but I’m done. Feel free to call me whatever names you want.

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Don’t go away mad. I understand everything quite well. I’m just calling it the way it is. The truth hurts sometimes.

Man, this is really, really bad - just the laziest sort of trope. It’s the sort of nonsense that extremist radio and other sad grifters use to provoke the profoundly ignorant, the terminally fearful and the mentally infirm.


The lazy trope is “she is a Republican.” It’s meaningless. Hell, Biden’s strongest supporters are neocon warmonger Republican filth. Another lazy trope was this gang parroting the vile MSNBC drivel re: Colorado. It was a UNANIMOUS DECISION. SCOTUS can’t find unanimity for soup vs salad for lunch, but this? You all are mind-numbingly ignorant.

Actually a good number of SCOTUS decisions are unanimous. Over the last decade, it’s been around half of them, and some recent terms it’s been as much as 70%, though the percentage of unanimous decisions has declined in the last two years. But those 5-4 split decisions are actually pretty rare, though they, or more to the current point the 6-3 decisions, are increasing. Still, nearly 75% of their decisions are not split along political ideological lines.

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In effect, the Colorado decision was a 5-4 decision. All 9 justices agreed that Colorado couldn’t kick someone off the ballot for a federal post, but that’s where the unanimity ended. Coney-Barrett, Sotomayor, Kegan and Brown-Jackson all dissented on the balance of the decision, as they said it was reaching beyond the scope of the case - a feature of the Roberts court.

To wit, the 14th Amendment provides a mechanism to reinstate an otherwise ineligible “insurrectionist oath-breaker”; requiring a 2/3rds majority in both Houses of Congress. If the framers had wanted to involve Congress in the determination of ineligibility, you think they would’ve done that when they gave Congress the “Get Out of Jail Free” card power.

But the conservative majority knows better, of course. They made the entirely nonsensical leap of logic that the Constitution requires Congress to make a law - which would require a majority in both Houses and a Presidential signature (there was no filibuster back then, that was added later for shits and giggles) - which can only be overturned by a super-majority. So Congress needs a majority to make a law to kick someone off but a super-majority to undo their own law?

That’s just fucking stupid. But it’s what happens when you try and dress up brazen partisanship in constitutional law. Even Serena Joy couldn’t be part of it - although her one paragraph dissent barely rises to the level of “phoning it in”. She spent as much time chastising the other three dissenting justices for their “charged rhetoric” as she did for her actual opinion.

Bottom line: if the Constitution requires a Congress to pass a law to deny a candidate a place on the ballot over ineligibility, I - as a citizen not born in the US - will run for president next term. After all, there’s nothing now to stop me, because the eligibility section of the Constitution has just been ripped out.


Limey got his feelings hurt long ago when I made him look like a whiny little girl. The misinformation and outright lies he posts everyday is very sad.

Randian conservatives love to talk about “makers and takers”. I bet they hate this chart:


Most (if not all) of those orange dots vote heavily Democratic.

This Kentucky lawmaker has long since run out of fucks.

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Yes, unfortunately the United States has several places where the mentally handicapped live. The rest of us just accept the fact that some people don’t have a brain and need places to live. Glad that the mentally handicapped are so greatly outnumbered in Texas.

That’s giving them a lot of credit.

But DWard saying it was Democrats doing it isn’t a lazy trope? It’s a fact that she is a Republican.

Plenty of brain dead Republicans too. However, you spin right past the fact that the Colorado Supreme Court is highly liberal. If Trump was a Democrat, do you really think Colorado would have pulled what they tried to pull?

If he did what he did on Jan 6 as a Democrat he would no longer be the leader of the party. In addition, Republicans would set the country on fire if he wasn’t arrested by Jan 7.

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Democrats were not very upset about the BLM and Antifa riots. In fact, many encouraged violence and protests. So, they would not have been upset about January 6th either. Of course we really need to find out more about why people were led throughout the Capitol by police and showed where to go.

The reason why the constitution, laws and courts are failing this test is because no one ever dreamed that one of the two parties would abandon democracy.


No True Scotsman, eh?

Yes and we have the Democrats to thank for this.

People in charge are worried more about lining their pockets with money than actually helping the American people. There are both Republicans and Democrats who fit this description.