The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Once again, the Democrats are proved wrong. You can’t kick someone off of the ballot because he is the clear front runner to beat the old demented sock puppet.

Unsurprising that the Constitution applies or that Limey is as dumb as a board?

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Comparing Limey to a board is an insult to all boards.

It was unanimous. It also didn’t say that Trump could not be kicked off the ballots, just that States couldn’t do it because it was a federal office. So, if the Dems get both houses of Congress and the White House in November, they should accept the challenge and codify the process for doing do.

And then use it to kick out Jordan, Greene et al under the new laws.


The unanimous agreement apples only to the central tenet: that states could not bar federal candidates individually. There was much dissent in all other areas.

Justices Amy Coney Barrett, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson all said that finding went beyond the scope of the case, with the liberal justices specifically saying the court was shielding insurrectionists from accountability.

Let’s face it. Liberal states just wanted to kick Trump off of the ballot because they see the writing on the wall. They cannot beat Trump fairly. Removing Trump was nothing but a hissy fit by Democrats and it was unconstitutional. Just as his lawsuits are. You’ll soon see those go away too.

In Soviet America, ballot removes you!

The very most un-American thing there can be is to prevent someone from voting.


So if I have this right…

MAGA/SCOTUS: we believe in states rights

KANSAS: we’re refusing to ban reproductive rights in our state constitution

MAGA: except that

OHIO: we’re protecting repro rights in our state constitution

MAGA: and that

COLORADO: trump is disqualified

SCOTUS: no more states rights!!!


Exactly what the Democrat Party tried to do by their failed attempt at keeping Trump off of the ballot. Every accusation by a Democrat is a confession.

The lead plaintiff in the case is a 91-year-old former state lawmaker and diehard Republican. Norma Anderson says she never dreamed she would be part of an effort to keep her own party’s leading candidate off the ballot. That is, until Jan. 6, 2021

Fred and Donald Trump’s long-term CFO has pleaded guilty to perjury and is headed back to Rikers Island for three months.

Yes and Colorado/Maine tried to take Trump off of the ballot, illegally I might add. Democrats at their finest.

Yet it was a republican that brought the case

Some Republicans are as dumb as Democrats. Colorado is a Democrat led weed smoking Capitol of the United States. Democrats have led that state for at least 15 years. The Supreme Court justices in Colorado were all appointed by Democrats. They had a hissy fit and kicked Trump off of the ballot because they can see that he is the clear front runner to be our next President. Their little coup didn’t work.

And George Wallace was a Democrat, Cletus.

Yes, the kind that was recruited for the Republican Party by the Southern Strategy. Those Democrats bear no resemblance to today’s. Come on, you’re smarter than this.


Seriously? He and his buddy are at the same intellectual level they’ve always been. Can’t have an honest conversation with either of them.

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Can’t have an honest conversation with someone who is so fooled by a bunch of lying politicians like you appear to be. It’s a shame people aren’t smarter than this.

Yes, today’s Democrat Party promotes shredding the constitution, inflation, depending on foreign countries for oil, violence, insurrections, open borders, no police, smoking weed, men playing women’s sports, men using women’s bathrooms/locker rooms in schools, communism, and racism.