The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Run, gerbil, run!

Hey, jackass, don’t talk to Limey like that

You know what, just today I was wondering what Limey’s next home improvement project might be. Now that I’m ruminating on things, I wonder about his next vehicular purchase as well. I certainly hope Spec’s has the foresight to allocate preferential parking to solar powered hoverboards.

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Does he have cats?

I hope Limey buys an electric vehicle. Then I hope he drives out in the middle of a desert and the batteries run down and leave him stranded.

MAGA mailing lists are a gold mine for scammers. It’s like shooting gullible fish in a barrel.

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Stupid is as stupid does, and the mental midget donnie backers prove this with ease day in and day out.


So, yeah, they were all on drugs.

In January, the Defense Department’s inspector general released a report detailing how the White House Medical Unit during the Trump administration distributed controlled substances with scant oversight and even sloppier record keeping. Investigators repeatedly noted that the unit had ordered thousands and thousands of doses of the stimulant modafinil, which has been used by military pilots for decades to stay alert during long missions.

Here is the man that Democrats currently worship. You have to be a special kind of dumb to support someone like this.

Meanwhile, what’s happening in a quiet little white-bred redneck mountain town?

While 6 out of 10 people think the President is an idiot. Let that sink in.

Someone’s pissed about losing the DC primary…to “birdbrain”.

Oh yeah. Trump lost the DC primary to Nikki Haley.

Don’t worry, come election time, Haley will stand beside him gushing about what a god-like savior he is.

Oh, absolutely.

It’s just hilarious that he lost a primary that was contested by about 3,000 voters (about three times as many as any NY Times poll) over which he had a complete meltdown.

Meanwhile the old demented sock puppet soiled his depends.

You come off ignore, and bam, another pearl of wisdom.

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In a most unsurprising development, SCOTUS rules in favor of Trump on ballot removal case.

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