The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread


Shortly after the Oversight Committee convened for Hunter Biden’s closed-door deposition on Wednesday, Swalwell and Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) quibbled with Comer about when the transcript would be released. During the exchange, Comer informed Swalwell, “I don’t care what your question is” and Swalwell asked the chair whether he would be releasing the transcript “in English or Russian.”

The transcript will be hugely embarrassing to the GOP Reps; Biden was notably combative with them landing more than his fair share of haymakers. For example, when questioned about his drug use by Gaetz, Biden shot back “Are you really the appropriate person to be asking that question?”

No wonder they wanted it behind closed doors. Video footage of this hearing would’ve been devastating.


Love me some Swallwell.


So, using Kushner’s reported 1.25% fee, the Saudis alone are paying him 25 million every year?

I realize most of the cult is incapable of processing any information, but swing voters need to be informed. A significant and simple ad blitz: “Trump family gets 25 million per year from Saudi Arabia.” Most people don’t know this.


This is the entire point of the fund. They don’t want Jared to invest the money for them; he’d just set it on fire like he did to his own family’s money. He just leaves it on deposit and trousers the management fee.

“leaves it on deposit”?

Limey, you are ignorant.

Just stepping from rake to rake to rake…

Speaker Mike Johnson announced today that he has released 5,000 more hours of Capitol security camera footage after finally abandoning his efforts to blur out all the faces of the insurrectionists.

Johnson pledged to release “all the footage” when he became Speaker. However, he has only released a tiny fraction of it before today. He explained months ago that the delay was caused by the fact that he hired a tech team at great expense to the taxpayers to comb over the footage to blur out all the faces of the people who were there. He said he was doing that to prevent them from being identified by “internet sleuths” and getting prosecuted.

Now, he has apparently realized that is simply not practical and is going to release the remaining footage without faces being blurred. The most incompetent Speaker in history is on quite a roll.

The transcript is out. And in English.

I think people forget, because of all the stupid shit he did as a result of his addiction, that Hunter Biden is a smart guy and former lawyer:

Screenshot 2024-03-01 at 12.56.54 PM

This is an interesting (and welcome) statement from the DOJ:

The 60-day rule (which Comey violated like he was Kirk and it was the Prime Directive), states that the DOJ will not initiate any new investigation of a political figure within 60-days of an election. I have been wondering if Garland would let this somehow expand to cover trials.

I am happy that, so far, it is not. Essentially, running for President is Trump’s day job so, just like the rest of us, you can’t use work as an excuse to get out of going to trial.

Cannon is going to have to find some other excuse to punt the trial because, right now, it looks like it’s on course to start in July/August.

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Fun Fact: SCOTUS has still yet to issue its ruling on the Colorado eligibility question for Trump. Colorado’s primary is Tuesday.

What a fucking joke they are.

Limey is without a doubt the dumbest liberal mouth breathing jackass in the world. It’s unbelievable how much misinformation he spreads daily. I do not think he is capable of forming a rational thought on his own.

How much did they get from our Sockpuppets?

There’s a whole industry based on fleecing MAGA.

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This is flat-out illegal, right?

You know that post caused a lot of DWARD boners don’t you?

  1. What part of Trump’s life did you think was NOT illegal?

  2. In what alternate universe did you think laws apply to Trump?



As I recall my Bible, once he became king David was mostly known for seducing Bathsheba and setting up her husband Uriah to be killed. It was Solomon who was known for his wisdom.

ETA: from contemporary photos, Bathsheba was a bit of a babe, and she was smart; always displaying her profundities.

It’s a Saturday, so Trump is out on the stump, forgetting that Obama left the White House 7 years ago.

And taking credit for stuff Obama did.