The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread


Fascists gotta fasc.

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Rat-fuckers gonna rat-fuck.

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Maybe we can squeeze in a different trial then.

Senile people should stand down. Neither Feinstein nor Biden did, of course. Both were/are vegetables and their controllers preferred/prefer it that way.

Completely agree. I wish the old broken crow would leave today.

The Democrats love the old demented sock puppet. He is nothing more than a puppet for Obama, Hillary and others who are lining their pockets with government money.

Sure, the Dems are the only ones with senility. Meanwhile, the maga cult worships the obese fuck who needed help waddling down a low incline ramp at West Point and possesses the vocabulary and grammar of an ESL student in the second grade.

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Calm down there Biden lover. The old broken crow is a Republican. To your point, there are a lot of senile Democrats, yes. Biden is on the top of the dementia list.

Narrator: the single judge did not grant a stay.

Now he has time on his hands, Jack Smith should round up all the unindicted co-conspirators and charge the fucking lot of them. Lay out all the evidence in the indictments.


At $1 million per month he only smiled at the “delay.”

Your clan rolled a potted plant in a wheelchair into the Senate chamber to “vote” as you waited for someone as corrupt to be chosen behind closed doors. Yours have no integrity when it comes to “democracy.”

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The more I think about the SCOTUS decision to take up Trump’s immunity claim, the more scared shitless I become. Not because Trump might get away with something, but because they may be about to something really bad, like enshrine dictatorship into US law.

They declined to hear any of Trump’s other challenges - like double jeopardy - and have focused solely on what immunity a president has in and around the conduct of their duties as president. It’s a nebulous abstract that they could be about to “decide”; a decision that will likely have far-reaching and damaging unintended consequences.

But here’s the rub: none of the cases in which Trump has asserted immunity have anything to do with him executing his duties as president:

  • The E. Jean Carroll case is about Trump raping and defaming her. The fact that some of these tortious acts were performed while he was president is a coincidence. The same way that, if I call someone on here an asshole during offices hours, it would have nothing to do with my job.

  • The January 6 case is about Trump being - generously - overzealous in his efforts to contest losing the 2020 election to the point of inciting an insurrection. He claims he was just trying to make sure the election was fair and that such is part of his presidential duties; but that’s simply not true. Per the Constitution, elections are run by the states and certified by Congress; the Executive branch has absolutely fuck-all to do with elections and so that was not part of his job (this is why Mark Meadows is so royally fucked in Georgia).

  • The documents case is all about the obstruction he undertook after it was discovered he had documents in his possession, which was after he left office. That’s it. The initial taking of the documents is conspicuously and deliberately absent from the charges (which is why Biden and Pence were not charged - because they didn’t obstruct once the docs were discovered). The job analogy here being that your employer may overlook you taking office equipment home at night, but if you are fired they’re going to want it all back.

So SCOTUS has decided that an abstract concept that has no bearing on any of Trump’s cases needs to be decided once and for all. The track record for when they reach beyond the particulars of a case to make new law is typically bad - like in Citizens United and Dobbs. And this is what is driving my angst.

And the really stupid thing is, even if they decide a president has immunity in whole or in part for actions undertaken while in office, none of that fucking applies to the cases against Trump!. So if they rule that presidential immunity is a thing, this will spark a round of new appeals over whether Trump’s actions were part of his job. So even the best outcome here is more delay, which is a win for Trump and justice denied for the rest of us.

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They’re not likely to enshrine dictatorship prior to the election, cause Biden might use the ruling to his benefit. They’ll rule against Trump and Presidential immunity in every way, but that issue isn’t on their minds. Their sole goal was: how can we ensure he is not tried before the election. They basically reverse engineered a timeline to ensure that he won’t be tried.

It’s naked partisanship, which amounts to corruption when your core quality is supposed to be impartiality. It’s so obvious that SCOTUS reform is an urgent task for the future health of the country, but equally obvious it won’t be an issue in the election, or even after the election should a Democrat win


Alito is an old man yelling at clouds.
Thomas’s sole motivation to get up in the morning is revenge against his list of enemies, which include anyone who has ever uttered the phrase “Long Dong Silver”.
Kavanaugh wants to rock and roll all night and party every day.
Barrett is just happy to be nominated.
Gorsuch seems like he might occasionally take his job seriously, but he’ll go along with what he’s told.

It’s in the bag. Which was the idea from the start.


I wish I shared your confidence.

The one thing they know they can be sure of is that Biden (and Democrats in general), will not abuse the rules to their benefit.

This has been asymmetrical warfare all along, with Dems playing by the rules (not nuking the filibuster etc.) while McConnell orchestrated an all-out insurgency starting the night Obama was elected.

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Ok, Boomer.

Trump filed a motion in the E. Jean Carroll case, requesting an unsecured stay of enforcement pending appeal. His justification was basically “I’m good for it.”

Team Carroll filed a response basically saying “No he isn’t.”

I believe the current stay of enforcement expires tomorrow. I hope Team Carroll has bailiffs ready to roll with padlocks and yellow tape.

Jared’s $2 billion blank check is outrageous on the face of it. When you find out the details, it gets even worse.

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According to Forbes (which is a name I can only ever read in the voice of Hans Gruber), unless the court upholds his ridiculous motion to stay enforcement, Trump has until next weekend to settle the $83.3 million award to E. Jean.

After that, it’s “Welcome to Carroll-ago, baby!”

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