The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

McConnell stepping down as Republican Senate Leader in November.

I guess that’s one way of not endorsing Trump.

Oh, good, here comes Cruz.

This is the Trumpiest of Trump moves.

Fun Fact: The Trump entity that owns Mar-a-Lago in a New York registered company.

With full knowledge of what I am saying, no one will be as bad as McConnell. Oh, they may sound worse - and Cruz definitely does - but they will carry nowhere near the weight and be nowhere near as effective. The next Senate Leader will also be the next Kevin McCarthy.

The leadership contest though, will be a monkey shit-fight for the ages.

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…and all this happening today while Hunter Biden testifies behind closed doors to the GOP kangaroo committee. Gym Jordan and Comer Pyle may be grateful for the cover at the end of the day.

Did he argue “hey, that’s all I got”?

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Glad to see the old broken crow step down.

In other hilarious Trump legal news, his (on) crack team of lawyers filed a motion earlier this week in the NY criminal election fraud case (aka the hush money case, but the charges mostly relate to election fraud). They stated that all the witnesses against Trump - almost all of whom are current or former Trump associates - are known liars and therefore should not be allowed to take the stand.

Ignoring the stupidity of the motion (if they’re lying, prove them wrong under cross-examination like a proper lawyer would), this is projection in the magnitude of a super-massive black hole.

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I don’t think he has to say that out loud for people to get the picture.

Reminds me of Bill Murray as Fat Hercules…“this boulder is too large, I could move a smaller one”

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Shows what I know. He said it out loud in the filing:

If properties could be sold to satisfy the funding of the appeal, then they could be put up as collateral to support a bond. His broke-assedness is about to become apparent to all who want to see.

One of the funniest (to me) Far Side cartoons of all time showed a couple of old-timer cavemen slouching in front of a cave as some young, strapping caveman walks by carrying a boulder on his shoulder. Seeing this, the old guys say “Rocks were just heavier when we were young.”

That’s up there with “Air spear!” and “Bummer of a birthmark, Hal.”


This will all go away once he beats the old demented sock puppet. The Supreme Court may throw it out before Trump takes office. It’s all a ploy to “get Trump” much like the fake Russia collusion witch hunt and all of the other attempts to get Trump out of the picture.

How’s that weather in Moscow? And how’s the shrimp Putin doing?

I checked my handy weather app and it says it is 30 degrees and clear skies. I’ve been putin but it’s not because of shrimp.

So, if I’m understanding the situation correctly, the fact that Trump has filed an appeal in the NY business fraud case - without posting cash or bond equivalent to 120% of the judgment - the mandatory 30-day stay on enforcement goes poof.

This is why Trump has also filed in the appeals court for an emergency stay of enforcement, which will be heard by a single judge who can grant such a stay pending review by a full panel (usually within a week or so). This is happening as I type. If the judge does not grant an emergency stay, then Tish James can start going after Trump’s assets immediately.

James has already filed a response to Trump’s appeals court motion stating, in short, he’s a fucking crook and a liar and cannot be trusted. Citing examples like the attempt to move entities out of NY to Florida, and that he moved $40 million out of one businesses without notifying the monitor in contravention of the court’s orders.

The mandatory 30-day stay of enforcement in the E. Jean Carroll case expires this week, meaning she too can start enforcement settlement. Tish James has a head start here though, because she has access to the court-ordered monitor (retired judge Barbara Jones) who has been in place for around two years and should have a pretty good idea what’s what and what’s where.

Jasmin Crockett channeling everyone’s rage at this point:

If you do nothing else today, watch this clip.


To anyone new to the forum, if you haven’t already picked up on this glaring fact, Limey is known as our “Resident Conspiracy Theorist.”

SCOTUS - running interference for Trump - has just agreed to take up his immunity appeal. Scheduled for late April.