The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Can we stop the infantile meme wars. Please.

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Too many dads?

Cocaine Bearā€¦errr Shark

Between dads, coked up dogs, and hobbits for House Speakers, Iā€™ve about had enough.

Just read the pic caption, this is cute as hell: One of the little girls kept mispronouncing the find as ā€œMoana,ā€ like the Disney movie.

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Sure, letā€™s talk about Trump some more. Thatā€™ll fix whatā€™s ailing ya.

Letā€™s just leave out the visuals. Iā€™ve seen enough of Hunter and Trump.

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All I did was post an innocent picture of a family fishing for pot.

I thought this was America?

Lauren Boebertā€™s son, who knocked up his underage girlfriend, has been arrested on felony charges.

I guess the shit doesnā€™t fall far from the bat.

Yes, the old demented sock puppet showered with his young daughter once.

Almost as fucked up as Hunter Biden. About that bat ā€¦

WaPo laying the groundwork for no Presidential debates (behind paywall):

Iā€™m sure you will defend this notion.

So what? Heā€™s not Hunter Biden.

The old demented sock puppet couldnā€™t last 5 minutes in a debate with Trump. The old demented sock puppet would likely soil his depends and/or fall off of the stage. Not to mention he doesnā€™t know where he is and can no longer form a rational thought. Barry may have to look at propping up another sock puppet.

In the Michigan primary, Biden pulled in 81% of the vote. His highest-polling human opponent was Marianne Williamson (who dropped out a while back) got 3%, while the still-running Dean Phillips - whose supporters are alleged to be behind those fake Biden robocalls - got 2.7%.

A protest movement organized by Arab-Americans over the Biden administrationā€™s handling of the Gaza conflict - that urged people to vote ā€œUncommittedā€ - pulled 13% of the vote. This probably explains Bidenā€™s seemingly off-the-cuff remarks last weekend at an ice cream shop about how he is close to a brokered cease fire.

Smart punditry isnā€™t too concerned about the protest vote; in the 2012 MI primary, Obama lost 11% uncommitted vote and went on to beat Michigan native Mitt Romney by 9 points. Itā€™s not like those uncommitteds are going to defect to Trump, who would cheerlead Bibi if he bulldozed Gaza into the sea.

Speaking of Trump, he got 68% of the vote to Haleyā€™s 27%. Thatā€™s a better showing for him, but still less than convincing. Heā€™s still goose-stepping his way to the nomination, but there are more than enough in the ā€œnot Trumpā€ camp to make some noise at the convention.

I referenced ā€œsmart punditryā€ above; sadly, thereā€™s very little of that. The media narrative continues to be that Bidenā€™s 81% is a disaster and Trumpā€™s 68% is a triumph. There is no way to make it make sense.

Trump did get more total votes than Biden. Iā€™m not sure you can tell much from that primary though.

Much higher turnout on the Republican side, for sure. Thereā€™s ways to spin that every which way from Sunday but, suffice to say, MI remains a battleground state and will be a toss up until the vote counting is finished.

Mark Meadows - remember him? - just got the verdict from the 11th circuit appeals court on his request for an en banc review of their denial of his bid to remove his GA election crimes case to federal court. In a well-reasoned and thoroughly researched filing, the court said ā€œNutsā€.

His last stop is now SCOTUS.