The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

At the same time, they keep face-planting into their own policies, like this IVF mess. The majority of the GOP in Congress has supported at one time or another some form of “personhood” legislation, which is exactly what this Alabama Supreme Court ruling does - bestow “personhood” on frozen blastocysts (they’re not yet even embryos).

So when they come out and say that they will protect IVF, and that this has nothing to do with the overturning of Roe v. Wade, they run full-tilt into a wall of their own making. The concept of “personhood” has always meant the end of IVF and the Alabama decision cites Dobbs 15 times.

They’re the dog that caught the car with Dobbs, and they’ve been getting dragged along under the wheels ever since.


I’m not one who thinks my ship is unsinkable; I’m much less confident than others here. However, the more hurtful bubble (hurtful to those stuck inside it) is the right-wing bubble, where people still believe Trump won, that Jan 6 was a tourist visit or some government plot, that taking away rights won’t have consequences, that tanking an immigration bill will help them on the issue. I could go on and on. Just think why MAGA keeps expecting to win all these races, yet don’t. Why is that?

Bottom line: you might try to poke all around you. You might find a bubble as well.


Limey says Biden will win South Carolina, so we are looking at a landslide based on his ciphering.

Chuck hired that murderer to do some work on his roof, so he dodged a bullet er hammer it seems.

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Democrats set the groundwork for this with all of the BLM and Antifa riots. They encouraged violence. The odd thing is that you will never see a Democrat upset about that. They always go back to January 6th and complain about how violent it was (1 person shot by the police). You all should be asking why doors were opened for these thugs by police and why people were led through the Capitol and were showed where to go. Those are the questions that need answered.

Here is a video that shows Democrats promoting violence:

Politics is supposed to smooth this out. In a functioning democracy, when a party lost elections, it would moderate its policies to appeal to more voters in order to regain power. This iteration of the GOP has eschewed that process.

When they lose elections, they simply claim the other side cheated, double-down on the same unpopular policy proposals, rinse and repeat. Each cycle, they shed more voters and each cycle the delusion of things being rigged against them gets stronger because they are boiling off moderates and concentrating down to the hard core of fanatics.

We are seeing this play out in real time as Trump is a lock to be the GOP nominee - with 1000% support of the party and its elected officials - yet he’s pulling in about 60% of the vote in the primaries thus far (with Michigan voting as I type). That’s a bad top line number, but the internal numbers paint an even worse picture of Republican primary voters claiming they will defect to Biden rather than vote for Trump.

As Rick Wilson said almost a decade ago: everything Trump touches dies.

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Yeah well it’s true everybody knows Biden and Mayorkas are in charge of local law enforcement.

Notice the difference in framing …

PS In 2020, thru South Carolina, Biden had 14%, 8%, 19% and 49% of the primary votes.

When reached for comment, Jr. said he knows nothing about it while furiously wiping his nose.

Hunter knows nothing about it either.

Limey claims people are excited about the old demented sock puppet.

I’m struggling to understand how Brother Fromage being MORE GUILTY than he let on is a problem for prosecutors.

Classic “Trump caught red-handed; how this is bad for Dems” headline.

It likely blows up his plea deal, which is mostly just a problem for BroFro. What it means for prosecutors is that, just like in any other RICO case, of which Willis is very familiar, she has to corroborate the evidence she needs to prove the criming.

She should be doing that even if it was Mother Theresa testifying; convictions based on a single eye-witness’ testimony is the sort of thing that gets innocent black men locked up for decades.

NYAG James just did this with Trump’s lying scumbag henchman Michael Cohen in the business fraud case. The judge commented that Cohen is a very untrustworthy witness, but the state provided other evidence that corroborated Cohen’s testimony.

…“furiously fishing for bales of coke off the coast of Florida”

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McConnell continues to decline to endorse Trump. Imagine the headlines if this was Schumer and Biden…

Meanwhile, Nikki Haley seems to be finding her voice finally.

“This may be his survival mode to pay his legal fees and get out of some sort of legal peril, but this is like suicide for our country,” she said of the former president, who faces 91 criminal counts across four cases.

“We’ve got to realize that if we don’t have someone who can win a general election, all we are doing is caving to the socialist left.”


Not coke, but the pic of the kids is awesome

Kid in the back knows what’s up

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Too bad the Dads reported it, that could be the kids’ college fund.

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Is that before or after leaving Hunter’s? I hope none of that crack got on “the big guy’s” classified documents.

Sounds like the premise behind a fun 80s movie.


When you are called into a conference with your teachers.

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