The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Hawaii no longer produces pineapples for ‘export.’ You need to hit “refresh” in many areas.

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They think that being transgender - and going through all of the pain and sorrow that comes with that - is just a ruse to be able to use the “wrong” bathroom.

I cannot imagine what your niece goes through with this. I also cannot imagine why so many people, who are totally unaffected by your niece’s existence, want to make so much harder.

Unfortunately I think this is true.

Its such an inhumane and cruel thought process.

My thoughts and prayers to anyone who goes through this or has loved ones who go through this.

Personally I have no family members who are transgender but I have several who are LBGTQ and they have friends who are.

All I have met have been genuine and good people.


Yet another example of every accusation being a confession for those folks.


A confession of what?

The worst part is, there’s a lot of projection here. If you hear that someone wants to choose how they’re referenced by other people, and your immediate thought is to go to being a bathroom sex pest, I fear for what evil lies in the spider-infested dark corners of your mind.

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I have a buddy here in Austin who grew up in Dripping Springs in a very conservative, rigid family. He came out a few years ago. Our group of friends here loves him and supports him for who he is and he told me it meant the world to him when I once told him that I always had his back as his friend and ally.
I cannot fathom what it must’ve been like to struggle with having to be someone he was “supposed to be” and having to muster the courage to come out to be who he always felt like.


The election coming down to which eight-year-old the public thinks can summon a boner is the most 2020s thing possible.

Trump won 60% of the vote in the South Carolina primary; Haley got the rest. For someone running as if an incumbent, which Trump is, that’s a terrible performance. Biden got 98% of the vote on the Democratic side.

Further, 60% of Haley voters said they would vote for Biden if it was Trump vs. Biden. 60% of 40% is 24%. So nearly a quarter of Republican primary voters - the most engaged of the engaged of voters - would vote for the Democrat.

That’s simply not viable in a general election.

How did the old demented sock puppet do amongst dead voters?

I’ll be extremely generous and give you Biden with 3-2 odds in South Carolina (you say it’s no worse than even-money) for ANY amount of money you want.

Trump has filed an appeal the $455 million judgment against him in the NY business fraud case. Notably, he has not posted the requisite accompanying bond, with I think makes this a legal form of wish casting. It doesn’t even reference a bond.

Meanwhile, he has yet to file an appeal and bond in the second E. Jean Carroll case where he was ordered to pay $83.3 million in damages. There too, he would have to post a bond for the entire judgment amount (plus 20% for interest, I believe) in order to make such an appeal. Trump asked the court to give him more time to appeal plus 30 days after such future appeal date to put up the money.

It means the appeal goes forward, but that nothing is preventing NY from looking to collect on the judgment. Though, if it get’s reversed, they of course would have to pay it back.

It shouldn’t be too difficult for Trump to drag out the collections issue to November, assuming that’s his goal, but he’ll be under a lot of pressure.

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His goal is to win today or, at least, not lose today. Rinse, repeat. There’s no other strategy.

We’re going to have this dance around ever trial.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has filed a motion with the court to impose a narrowly tailored gag order on Donald Trump in advance of his criminal trial which is scheduled to begin on March 25th. The motion cites several examples where Donald Trump made inflammatory comments about court staff and witnesses in other cases, including the civil fraud trial held in Manhattan late last year.

The district attorney’s request here is narrow insofar as it does not ask the court to bar Trump from making comments about Bragg himself, only to bar Trump from making comments about court staff, jurors, witnesses, and staff of the district attorney’s office.

The big difference here is that it’s a criminal trial, so he has to be in attendance and is only able to go home in the evening because the judge allows him to.

Laken Riley will be a face in the election, as an example of the depravity of Mayorkas and the marionette Biden, who are basically stealing every dollar they have been given to actually do their jobs, the corrupt media carrying their water by lying otherwise:

Clarence Thomas is ready to rule impartially on Trump’s immunity claims.

Maybe, but it also begs the question: why did MAGA tank the immigration bill? It seems like a lot of the circumstances behind this guy’s story are a result of a system you and your ilk refused to fix.


Right? It can’t be much of an issue if the Rs are saying let the voters decide in November. Not that they actually want to fix any problems, especially the ones they make up.


Keep your hands firmly on each other’s cranks and your dials fused to MSNBC and tell yourselves your ship is unsinkable …

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