The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

I’m the only one who uses his brain in this thread other than about one more person. Limey and you are an embarrassment. Limey spews lies out of his ass hole daily. Literally nothing he posts is true. He spins everything as CNN would spin it. You would make a lot more sense if you weren’t high on pot.

Liberals saw an opportunity to paint a picture of some poor homosexual getting killed by straight people. It’s sad that the media would spin it the way that they did. It’s even sadder that some people are dumb enough to believe the liberal media.

The issue is with the medical staff who saw “them,” an issue with the hoax “Obamacare” which raised costs while eviscerating quality. Basically nobody sees a true doctor anymore but the aggregate cost of healthcare continues to explode.

Oh come on. Yes, the cost of health care continues to rise, which didn’t exactly start in 2012, but it’s because people have access to care they never dreamed of back in the day. Cutting edge medical care is very expensive. And insurance companies are crooks. But that’s another argument. To suggest no one gets to see a doctor or gets inferior care just because it’s more available to lower income people is nonsense. Your “death panel” argument has been soundly beaten into a pulp. Time to find another one.


Employer-based health insurance is a trap that stifles entrepreneurship and suppresses opportunity. Medicare is wildly popular and is exactly the kind of single-payer system that the rest of the developed world uses, and it operates at an overhead <10% while commercial payers (insurance companies) operate at an overhead >20%.

Instead of raising the retirement age to steal social security benefits from people when life expectancy in the US is falling, we should be lowering the age qualification for Medicare, a few years at a time, until eventually it embraces everyone.

Imagine the boost to the economy when you:

  • take the burden of providing health insurance off of employers;
  • free up small businesses to take on employees who they would otherwise avoid because of the cost of providing healthcare;
  • allow innovators to start new businesses because they aren’t tied to their employer’s health insurance;
  • free people from the cost of health insurance and deductibles/co-pays, giving them more financial freedom and confidence; and
  • allow people to retire with dignity, opening opportunities for those behind them in years, instead of forcing them to hang on until they’re fucking 70.

I grew up with single-payer healthcare. Americans simply cannot comprehend the idea that you just book a doctor’s appointment, get treatment and never have to pay a penny. Sure, you might have to wait, and some waits are seriously ridiculous, but no one is faced with a wait of forever.

Also, nobody suffers through pain because they cannot afford the cost of an ER visit. No one calls Uber instead of an ambulance. No one goes bankrupt because they or a family member got sick or injured.

But don’t take me as individual example. Someone else who lived under the auspices of the UK health service was Stephen Hawking. There’s a reason that his biopic doesn’t have a sub-plot about his family not being able to afford all the incredible extra care he required, because that was never an issue.

Stephen fucking Hawkin.


You know certain mouth breathers on the board will call you a communist for all this.
But we lived under the NHS for just about 6 years and it was a great system, no worries at all about going to the doctor. If you need xrays or an mri or tests done you don’t have to stop and think how much it’s going to cost, and you also don’t have to decide between your health and your financial well being or, for far too many people in this country, between going to the doctor vs paying rent or buying food.
The NHS is also not free, national insurance comes out of your paycheck like the predator insurance here does, but the difference is you can actually use the insurance you pay for with the NHS to take care of the health of you and your family.


But those death panels…


Why, I never realized that OKB was a nexpert in head trauma, so much so that he can make a diagnosis a full state away from the (now deceased) patient.

Don’t have to be a “nexpert” to understand what happened here (hematoma). It’s sadly not rare and there is a special “24-hour protocol” to be followed.

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why wouldn’t you think he knew all about head trauma?

Outstanding question. I’m trying to figure out whether we’re mad at you for lying that the poor child died of head trauma after a savage beating now that the local police have predictably decided to pretend this is not the case or if instead we’re mad at Obama. I find it disconcerting to follow these twists and subplots but a cursory look through the video game and science fiction movie threads around here leads me to conclude that this is an issue largely isolated to myself.

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I’ve given up trying to make sense of what he says. I often wonder if he’s a bot, a bot programmed according to traits outlined by Ms. Lebowitz. You know, let’s make a bot who is merely mean and stupid and can talk on message boards.


No man is an island, but I reckon it all trails back to Obama. Obama and marriage equality. Marriage equality and stolen elections. Take your pick, it’s just like a jello salad, and it’s all got the substance of wee marshmallows and canned pineapple.


Well canned pineapple comes from Hawaii and I think we all know what that means.

Mister Insurrection Miser

Judge Engoran formerly entered the $455 million judgment against Trump today, starting the 30-day clock to put up or shut up.

One of the keys for translation (besides your Ovaltine decoder ring) is that any right wing response to basically anything must include, at minimum, two separate conspiracy theories so that just in case one doesn’t work they can conveniently slide to the other.


So this Nex Benedict situation hits very close to home for me. Literally.

I grew up in Oklahoma and most of my close family still lives there. Due to a tragic situation, my 77 year old mom is having to raise my niece in Oklahoma.

My niece is trans. She is picked on relentlessly in the Oklahoma public school system. She has had suicidal thoughts in the past. She has bravery that I simply don’t possess and I admire her for that.

My niece started telling us she was a girl by the time she was 3 years old. She simply couldn’t understand why she was forced to wear boy clothes. Why she had to “act like a boy”. It was all very basic in how she presented her feelings at the time. The type of simplicity and nievety that only a 3 year old has. This wasn’t a fucking “choice” she made. If any of you mouth breathers think it is I have two words for you. Fuck off.

This situation could have easily happened to her and our family would never have been the same. Once again, she exhibits and lives a bravery that I simply can’t fathom having at her age of 16. Living what some people feel is an atypical lifestyle in a location that is so incredibly intolerant is without a doubt one of the most difficult paths a child can take. But yet, she does it. And she does it with courage and resolution. When right wing fucknuts offhandedly dismiss people like this it actually makes my blood boil. There is NO WAY that they would have to courage to do what this kid does every day.