The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Why was Alexander Smirnov re-arrested?

Definitely a two tiered justice system when it comes to people in the government.

You literally make up stuff daily to try to feel good about yourself and to try to make yourself look relevant on this thread. You might fool a few gullible Democrats but anyone with a brain knows you are full of shit.

Really sounding like desperate pandering here; and what the heck is a social justice flag?

“Donald Trump promised to use a second term in the White House to defend Christian values and even suggested he’d shield the faith’s central iconography,” the AP reports.

Said Trump: “Remember, every communist regime throughout history has tried to stamp out the churches, just like every fascist regime has tried to co-opt them and control them. And, in America, the radical left is trying to do both.”

He added: “They want to tear down crosses where they can, and cover them up with social justice flags. But no one will be touching the cross of Christ under the Trump administration, I swear to you.”

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That pesky constitution is going to give him fits.


I’m not sure about that anymore.

Yeah, I suspect that may be a tad optimistic.

It doesn’t give the Democrat Party any fits. They gave shredded it until there is nothing else left to shred.

I don’t think I’ll be looking to Oklahoma for any moral guidance.


At least he’s moved on from the forced renaming of Pennsylvania.


Trump has filed a motion for an unsecured stay of the 30-day rule in the E. Jean Carroll case. He wants the 30-day clock - which currently expires next Monday - reset and not to start until all of his post-trial motions are settled.

That’s not how this works. Also, he has not yet filed his post-trial motions. He is promising to get them filed by March 7. So the check isn’t even in the mail.

I’m not lawyer, but this is hilariously stupid.

Tis a fine barn, but sure it is no pool, English

They probably want to call it Transylvania, just like those woke-ass Euros did!

Bwahahaha!!! Do you think you’re relevant on this thread? Because you’re not, you’re a source of amusement. Limey literally IS the relevance of this thread and it’s why it keeps going (for better or worse)

Trumpsylvania would be a very good name.

Sad story, of which there is a lot more than the pathological liar and cum-gargler NeilT relates:

Reality meets satire.

This is like the “corrections” scroll that SNL used to run after a skit involving Fox & Friends.

‘Tish James gets another fraud.