The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Wait, wasn’t the popular vote “stollen” as well?

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Donny RICO claimed the popular vote in 2016 was rigged. He claimed to win California.


Yeah I don’t think he won California. Too many brain dead idiots out there.

He recently claimed he won all 50 states.

While the old demented sock puppet can’t remember what a state is.

Huh… it’s almost like this wasn’t the FBI’s fault at all. But I do acknowledge that three syllable words do tend to scare some in the QOP… “Benghazi” “Burisma” “Solyndra” “Hillary” “Obama” so I can understand the urgency to ignore your law enforcement agencies in the name of free-dumb.


Engoran isn’t finished with Trump yet.

New York Judge Arthur Engoron rejected a request from former President Trump’s attorneys to postpone enforcement of a $355 million fine he owes in the civil fraud trialover his business practices, per court filings.

Trump has 30 days from when the judgment is entered to pay up or post a bond for appeal. 30 days to come up with cash/collateral for a $500 million bond so you can appeal a conviction for lying to banks. Good fucking luck with that.

Reported separately is the fact that in his court filing Trump tried to change the addresses for 6 of his NY businesses to Florida. Team James caught that one immediately and filed a motion to stop that shit. These are absolute desperation moves by Trump.

Screenshot 2024-02-22 at 6.56.53 PM

The party of Putin, traitors all.


I know this will come to a shock to all of you, but you know that judge that made the ruling on frozen embryos? Welp, turns out he’s a good ol’ Qanon Quackjob and Christian Nationalist. Just another Thursday in Alabama-stan.


Now look up Tim Dunn, Midland TX, and be disgusted.

You may not think about Tim Dunn. Indeed, unless you’re a close observer of Texas politics, it’s likely you haven’t heard of him. But Dunn thinks a lot about you.

For two decades he has been quietly, methodically, and patiently building a political machine that has pushed Texas forcefully to the right, sending more and more members of the centrist wing of the Republican Party into exile

Oh yes, this guy earned millions of dollars for his vast knowledge of oil. How stupid can Democrats be?

I’d also love to reopen the book on Benghazi. Remember that from your way way back machine? Although the loss of life was undoubtedly tragic and horrific, It was without a doubt the most scandalous thing a politician, and for that matter, a human being (Hillary) had ever done. For YEARS it was all we ever heard about. It was the scandal of the century and damnit, the GOP was going to get to the bottom of it!!! Fast forward to now aaaaaand… crickets…

Shouldn’t we be finally getting some resolution to this political atrocity? Or perhaps, juuuust maybe, it was a fucking joke all along. I’m sure something like that would never happen again.


Democrats love that Killary got Americans killed in Benghazi. As Killary would say “what difference does it make?”

The GOP spent multiples of the time spent investigating intelligence failures over 9/11 on this nonsense. Of course, just how Whitewater yielded a lie about getting a hummer, Benghazi yielded “but her emails”. In both cases, the fortuitous discovery of an unrelated error was weaponized against the respective Clinton.

I know people freak out about Trump’s electoral chances - I do too on occasion - but it’s important to remember the unthinkable amount of stars that had to align to give him the win, eked out of the electoral college by a tiny majority across a handful of states.

For example, Anthony Weiner turned out to be a miserable online sex pest who got busted for sending dick pics to underage girls. This was not a new thing for him, apparently, he’d been at it for a long time. Nothing about that would have mattered to the Clinton campaign, had Weiner not happened to have been married to a senior Clinton campaign staffer.

Because Weiner’s laptop was seized as evidence, the FBI decided that they needed to screen it for any of “her emails”, just in case. Because he is a scared baby in a giant’s body, Jim Comey decided to announce to the world, about 10 days out from the election, that the FBI was doing this. Ten days during which minds were being made up and people were early voting.

The cries of “but her emails”, that had been all-but silenced after Clinton’s 11 hours of “no notes” open testimony in one of the GOP’s nine Benghazi investigations, were reignited as the GOP latched on to this thinnest of wafer-thin issues. Polls showed that Comey’s announcement wiped out Clinton’s nationwide lead almost overnight.

Weiner’s laptop was cleared of having any of “her emails” on it, and this was announced by Comey on the Friday night - when news stories go to die - before the Tuesday election. The clearing of the laptop received a fraction of the coverage of the re-opening of the investigation.

Without this one incredible collection of coincidences and idiocy, Clinton wins at a canter. Now think about how hard the Russians pummeled Boomers on Facebook and ran interference with its hacks of Clinton campaign emails - like dropping the John Podesta email hack within hours of the Access Hollywood tape hitting the headlines. Think about how Trump was paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in hush money to two women (that we know of) to keep quiet about affairs because, after the “grab 'em by the pussy” tape, his campaign could not handle any more women problems.

The Russians are still in Trump’s corner; perhaps even more so after Biden hit them with more sanctions this morning. However, the “but his son’s emails” efforts to repeat that 2016 success just blew up in the GOP’s faces like a cigar from Bugs Bunny. With the economy booming, the only thing they have on Biden is his verbal gaffes, while their guy spouts absolute gibberish into a mic daily and could be in jail by November, or running what’s left of his campaign out of a trailer in the Florida panhandle.


Fun Fact: while the 30-day clock on Trump’s $455 million judgment against him has not yet started running, the same 30-day clock in the second E. Jean Carroll defamation suit has.

In fact, it started 27 days ago, so Trump has until Monday (2/26) to pay up the $83.3 million awarded to Carroll - or put up cash/collateral/bond in that amount plus 20% in order to appeal - otherwise Carroll can start collection proceedings against Trump. And Team Carroll has said that absolutely they will start collection proceedings against Trump.

As has NYAG James, when the time comes in that case. With the coldest of cold stares, she pointed out that she “looks at 40 Wall Street every day.” (It’s across the street from the NYAG’s offices).

Don’t forget that Trump lives rent free in his commercial properties like Trump Tower, Mar-a-Lago and Deadminster, and survives on cash flow from his properties. As one actual New York billionaire once said of Trump “he’s no billionaire, he’s a clown living on credit”. So if Trump’s properties are sold out from under him, not only will he lose whatever cash flow they provide, but he will have to start paying rent to the new owner.

The properties with positive cash flow (if there are any) will be the ones to go first. We are days/weeks away from Trump’s entire existence being unravelled. We will find out exactly how much equity he has in his properties - if any - and if there is even enough meat to pick off the carcass to pay E. Jean Carroll, let alone the state of New York.

He might be literally destitute by the start of summer.

Who is the dumbest GOP member of Congress? Whichever one just spoke out loud into an open mic.

After pontificating on the subject for a minute or two, and being tripped up by the most obvious of obvious flaws in his statement, he said of the Supreme Court decision that he “had not read the bill.”

I hope they don’t let this guy use metal cutlery.

The biggest dick stomping own goal ever was this dumbass running for President.

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His business had been fueled by laundering Russian money for years before he ever ran for President. The possibility that he was ordered to run in 2016 by Putin - who hated Hillary and wanted to fuck with her - is not zero.


Trump gibbering to a bunch of empty seats at CPAC.

It’s amazing how comfortably he panders to Christians these days.