The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

I didn’t think you would be able to prove me wrong. Your reading is clearly not up to par so I understand that you can’t do it. I realize I’m in the minority in this thread and that is fine. You all are in the minority in Texas and in the minority in the country if you exclude illegal immigrants and dead people. You are a small, insecure little maggot who only voted Democrat so hard working people like myself can pay taxes to support you. Isn’t it time for your weed smoking break?

You live and breathe conspiracy to the point that you require yourself to make up elaborate back stories to people that disagree with you. It’s a sickness.

In the past you have shown some pride in what you think is you “making people look like a fool”. Please see my last post to actually witness what that looks like.

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I know you are a small little man, but if you can actually look in the mirror without a step stool, you might look in there to see what a fool looks like. I appear to really be getting under your skin for some reason. I’m sorry you cannot handle someone telling the truth and not accepting lies like you and other Democrats do. I’m sure you have some video games to play and medical marijuana to smoke before your mother brings you dinner. I hope you have a better day.

Someone accidentally dropped some frozen embryos at an IVF clinic, and the Alabama Supreme Court has cleared them to be charged with murder.

So frozen embryos are now people? Nikki Haley agrees.

If this holds, it means that IVF will be no longer available in Alabama.

Right. So what’s important to do here is make sure people who don’t want to have kids have them and the people that want to have kids can’t have them.


I still just can’t believe anyone is still on the fence about this one.

I’m thinking it’s time for husbands and wives to freeze them a couple dozen embryo children and claim them on their taxes. Imagine what claiming a few dozen children would do for your tax return.


Or…it can have this effect immediately.

Just wait until they get to the crime of “wasting sperm”.


That’s thinking only one way. As of now, in Alabama, it may be ok to put your kids in the freezer.



My Pillow guy advertised that he would give $5 million to anybody that can disprove his “data” that shows 2020 election stolen. A MAGA computer guy wanted to look at the data, so takes My Pillow Guy’s challenge. The MAGA computer guy sees that the “data” is obvious bullshit.

Slightly paraphrasing the rest:

MAGA computer guy: Your numbers are obvious bullshit, pay me.

My Pillow Guy: Fuck you, no.

MAGA computer guy’s lawsuit: He said he would pay $5 million dollars to anybody that would show his data is bullshit. I proved his data was total bullshit. He should have to pay me.

Judge: Fuck you, pay him.


Not that it will happen but it’s not really something to brag about.

I’m starting to think that maybe this Pillow Guy isn’t really a cybercrimes expert. I don’t know…

A pillow guy who can’t even make a decent pillow is probably not an expert at most things.

But he did inspire a great Weekend Update skit, so there’s that.

And that’s after the two law firms representing him in the Smartmatic and Dominion lawsuits stopped doing so last October because he owes the firms millions in legal fees and admitted he can’t pay them.

True. But I think it just shows how unenthusiastic people are about the old demented sock puppet.

I guess Fox News has dropped his ads. You’d think they’d want a guy with that kind of expertise, even if he couldn’t pay.