The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

He must have forgot to start.

Eh, while I think heā€™s perfectly capable of governing well, I suspect heā€™s barely started campaigning because his team knows heā€™s not up for it.

As an aside, I heard Newsome a few weeks back, and while Iā€™m not advocating for him, it was a gigantic breath of fresh air to hear someone vigorously make the case against Trump. I really havenā€™t seen that from Biden in years.


This is hilarious. Or it would be if these fuckers delaying aid to Ukraine wasnā€™t allowing Russia to systematically take back mile after mile of Ukraine because the Ukrainians have literally run out of bullets to fire.

Jordan: ā€œIt doesnā€™t change the fundamental facts.ā€
Reporter: ā€œIt does because theyā€™re not facts anymore.ā€

Jordan went on that it doesnā€™t change the four funadmental facts he laid out which were:

  1. Hunter Biden was on the board of Burisma (not illegal or a threat to national security)
  2. He was paid $1 million/year (not illegal or a threat to national security)
  3. Joe Biden - as VP - pressed for the firing of the Ukrainian AG (a stated foreign policy goal of US and all of western civilization)
  4. ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ

Saw that exchange. Jordan looked really weak. Their case has crumbled, and everyone sees it clearly, but them.

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Newsome is Biden campaign surrogate; he is airing the campaignā€™s message. The clip above explicitly (in both senses of the word) stated that the Biden campaign was telling its surrogates to go out there and highlight the ā€œcrazy shitā€ that Trump is saying.

This is what the campaign will look like. When it is time for Biden to ramp up campaigning fully, he will be doing so on a foundation already laid.

Within that classic Jordan word blizzard, he admitted that his source lied to the FBI. Poof! Case gone.

It was probably ā€œtell them you lied or get the same treatment Jeffrey Epstein did.ā€ Biden is a crook and it is clear as day.

Finding Out Update:

The Sandy Hook families have moved to liquidate Alex Jonesā€™ assets.

How many people are in on this grand fantasy of yours? 50? 100? Please elaborate.

I would estimate over 55% of the American population. The rest are brain dead Democrats.

Good, fuck that worthless sack of shit.


No. How many people are in on this scheme to smear and possibly kill this otherwise completely credible witness of yours? (Itā€™s hard to type that with a straight face). Like how many members of the FBI?

I have a sibling that works for the fbi so Iā€™d like to know how crooked he is. Please elaborate, and feel free to include how you also ā€œsupport the blueā€.

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Are you saying that you think 55% of Americans think that the Biden administration and itā€™s formal or informal agents threatened that witness with imprisonment and subsequent death by those agents to get him to reverse his information provided to a law enforcement in an investigation? Thereby forcing them to then charge him with providing false information in a law enforcement investigation? 55% of Americans?

Well clearly there are many Democrats who have killed people who may have ā€œdirtā€ on them. The Clinton and Obama body count is pretty high. The old demented sock puppet is being propped up to pad their pockets with foreign money. So to answer your question, I would say many. Iā€™m sure you like the police, right? Or are you like Limey and want no police and have the government rule everything like a communist country?

No, Iā€™m saying roughly 55% of Americans believe that Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself and are smart enough to realize that the Government is crooked and witnesses can be blackmailed or bought.

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'Tish James is already saying that she will do the same to Trump.

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Cool. So youā€™re going to just keep digging.

How many people were in on the Clinton and Obama murder coverups? Did this also include the FBI? Or did this originate with the CIA? How many people are currently being paid by George Soros to keep their mouth shut? And for a bunch of mouth breathers, the democrats sure seem to be a disciplined bunch!

Please provide some credible proof while youā€™re at it instead of percentages you pull out of your ass.

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Also, feel free to log on to OKB so you can give yourself some positive feedback.

Iā€™ve got a cool idea. How about you provide some proof that none of this happened since you are clearly so smart. You might want to pull your head out of your ass before you start, though.

The mouth breathing Democrats are a calm brain dead bunch who donā€™t have the mental capacity to critically think. You are right in the middle of them.

Thereā€™s only one person on the board as dumb as Limey and it is undoubtedly you. Now Iā€™m starting to wonder if Iā€™m actually talking to Limey. Is WVDUMBASS your burner account?

Ah yes! My favorite part of the conspiracy wormhole. Itā€™s up to me to prove the batshit crazy conspiracy theory you vomited at me is untrue, otherwise it is true.

So. Fucking. Stupid.

Although! Bravo! I think you just might be getting to the bottom of the lesson Iā€™m trying to teach you about conspiracy theories. Anyone can start one and theyā€™re just fucking stupid unless you have tangible proof.

I have no clue if you and OKB are the same person (I have my suspicions) but itā€™s just a silly conspiracy theory. So now it should be up to you to prove me wrong, right?

Here is another one for you!

92.56% of the people on this board think youā€™re a raging lunatic.