The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread



And they use this to justify continuing along the same path, even though they know itā€™s wrong? They should simply resign.

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Republican star witness is a Russian stooge

Not that this is a surprise, but step back and contemplate that all the shit the Republicans have accused the Bidens about Burisma comes from a Russian plant, and of course was a complete lie.

I hope historians can grasp just how fucked up this period was, cause our present society doesnā€™t seem capable of diagnosing it in real time.


Every QOP projection is an admissionā€¦


Exactly. Democrats have really jumped off the deep end. Itā€™s sad how clueless they are.

Of course if heā€™s a serial liar, why believe him now? The real problem is that the qop Cared too much about the story to care that he might be lying.

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Hell, itā€™s happening at the county level here in Arkansas. Our equivalent of Texas county commissioners courts is a quorum court, with a lot more representatives ā€¦ 13 in my county. So the districts are very small.

In six of our races, the usual dickhead Republicans are being primaried by crazy-ass MAGA Republicans. They brought a non-binding resolution to declare the county pro-life, even though abortion is illegal in Arkansas and there is no possible county-level application. Itā€™s just a purity test for Republicans.

Now the dickhead Republicans are getting death threats from MAGA Republicans. My own jp (we call them justices of the peace) said he had to go through active-shooter training last week.

And there isnā€™t even a Democrat or independent for me to vote for. The race will be decided in the primary, so I have to hold my nose and vote Republican if I want a voice.

Go Jim Dandy

Thatā€™s true, why believe him now? It might be that it fits a narrative I like and it also might be that it seems so obviously plausible. Iā€™m sort of beyond being skeptical about Russian involvement in our affairs given the events of the last years. Basically, if truly strange, pro-Russian attitudes are prevailing, they likely have their hands in it.

This will be interesting.

Least surprising element of this story:

Alexander Smirnov, 43, admitted that ā€œofficials associated with Russian intelligenceā€ were involved in passing a story about Hunter Biden

No notes:

Which will do little to change the election outcome. Trumpsā€™ base will laude and trumpet the comments, Bidenā€™s base will cringe and the relatively small undecideds will be unswayed since they have historically been the demographic that does the most research and is already keyed in on both camps comments already.

The audience is undecided swing voters, and theyā€™re what it takes to turn a Biden lead into a Biden landslide.

If this happens, Trump will win in a landslide. People are tired of the weakness, embarrassment and fraud that the old demented sock puppet brings.

Here is our fearless leader.

Agreed, itā€™s a good strategy. I recall polls where once people were reminded about who Trump really is, and how his administration worked, a lot of barely awake people recalled just how much they dislike him.

However, I am one of those who thinks Biden isnā€™t very good at campaigning or highlighting the contrast between him and Trump, so Iā€™m not sure they can pull off this strategy. I hope he steps aside and lets a more energetic figure remind us just how shitty Trump was and still is.

Biden has barely even started campaigning.

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Thatā€™s because heā€™s too busy being head of the Biden Crime Family if you believe most of the drivel that our resident trolls spew.


ā€œThe big guyā€