The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

It certainly didn’t seem like an issue at the time.

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Let me help you “buy a vowel,” Cletus:

When MBS coughs, Biden’s butt hurts.

The hotel overpayment trick was rife when he was president, but you’re right that it’s irrelevant as a private citizen. But as a candidate for president, it’s incredibly relevant to his loyalties if elected.

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And, if God forbid, his traitorous, orange make-up wearing sorry ass is reelected, he’ll grift his diaper-soaked ass off immensely.

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“Rife”? You are mind-numbingly ignorant and a pathological liar.

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Yeah, in your white is black, don’t know shit world. He gave 2 billion to Kushner; where is the gift to Biden? Never mind, you’re a fucking brick wall of stupidity.

By the way, speaking of bribes, I agree with Limey that if a large investor is propping up his company so he can cash out, that’s basically a bribe, just as MBS’s payment to Kushner after Trump left office was.

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Hi Dwad

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Of course it is. And, in theory, an intelligent electorate will recognize that and not elect him. The fact that we have no faith in the electorate shouldn’t be used to screw up financial markets. That’s the Republican style (see abortion, for example).

Besides, being the fine, upstanding fellow that he is, I’m sure he’ll divest if elected.


I realize it would be futile to explain to you that Kushner doesn’t get to keep the funds under management.

Biden just kept Intel waiting to give Global Foundries the “Solyndra Special” on steroids, $1.5BN from the taxpayers.

Just like the Houston Astros were the only team that used sign-stealing, amirite?

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He gets to keep a lot. Even the Saudi advisers, who advised against the MBS deal/gift said the management fees were excessive. I’m not sure how much is publicly disclosed. Bottom line, no reasonable person understood why MBS would give that sum to a known shitty investor, on those terms, at least from a financial perspective. As a bribe/payoff for past deeds however, it made total sense.

As to your other point, provide a link from a legit source or I’ll assume it’s just more of your bullshit.

Global Foundries got a $1.5 billion dollar grant under the CHIPS Act to increase production of strategically important semiconductors at one or another of their plants. This is part of an incredibly important initiative to counter Chinese dominance in this space, which is odd, really, when you think about it, since Biden is a Chinese puppet. 4D chess, I guess.

Anyway, OKB wants you to believe that this $1.5B just disappears poof like Keyser Soze when he knows perfectly well that this sort of investment is necessary and generates benefits at an exponential scale all throughout the economy, never mind the strategic implications.



Even if he did, you would just laugh it off because it wasn’t MSNBC or CNN. That’s all you liberal mouth breathers pay attention to.

More winning.

Trump legal news brief: Supreme Court keeps Michigan sanctions in place for pro-Trump lawyers Sidney Powell and Lin Wood (

You won’t be laughing when they finally unleash the Kraken.

This guy actually represents the Democrat Party quite well. Brain dead, slow, can’t walk without being shown where to go, a crook, a pervert, a child molester and a racist. What more could you want if you were a Democrat?

One of the Greatest 80’s movies ever

This is telling…and disturbing.

This bloke knew it was wrong but didn’t want to be the one who potentially scuppered the plot. So he went along with it because he feared the backlash from MAGA World if he didn’t.

Hitt says he was scared of what Trump supporters would do to him or his family if he did not sign the paperwork and courts later overturned President Joe Biden’s victory in Wisconsin.

There are also reports of sitting US Senators experiencing the same fear.