The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

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Didn’t even need to watch the clip. :rofl:

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The irony of the kerfuffle over the GoFundMe account for Trump is that all that money is going to E. Jean Carroll or the state of New York, unless it’s just a scam and the page creators are going to trouser the money.

It’s not going to save Trump. It’s only going to further empty the retirement savings of his cult followers, which is money that would otherwise be sent to his campaign and go to pay his lawyers.

It’s Schroedinger’s Money.

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It’s going to save him from having to spend his own money. Which is the goal.

He owes over over half a billion and counting. Even the greatest GoFundMe haul in history isn’t going to save him.

He doesn’t have anything close to that in equity. He’s already breaching liquidity requirements in his loan covenants because he lied to achieve the required amounts. Sooner or later - possibly when his first felony conviction comes back - the banks will give up the ghost and be in a race to pick whatever’s left off the Trump Org’s carcass.

It will happen very fast - as soon as the first bank blinks.

Aren’t you discounting all of his close buddies. Can’t one of Vlad’s oligarchs, some Saudi Prince or unknown Chinese person come in and give him 400 million? Likely heralded as a heroic gesture by DW and OKB.


Listen, the Biden a time Family’s reach is more vast than you possibly fathom. They are inevitable than Thanos.

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What is Truth Social valued at, now that it’s going public? I’ve read Trump’s share is over $4 billion. Of course, he claims it’s worth $1 trillion, but it’s still a lot.

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Maybe he can get some money from the Ukraine like the old demented sock puppet or some of this California trans money?

Seriously though, this will all go away when it is appealed and he doesn’t have a crooked liberal judge as judge and jury. These crooks may even owe Trump some money when it is all over with.

If they did, Trump would be in jail a little while later for not having paid taxes on a $500 million gift.

I heard this on the news. Thought it was joke. It’s not a public company is it? If it wasn’t a joke and the company isn’t public, I assume the valuation is the result of some monstrous boast by the MAGA crowd, like Trump’s weight or his golf handicap.

Did the old demented sock puppet pay taxes on his Ukraine money he got when he was “the big guy?”


It’s not a joke, as far as I can tell.

SEC clears Trump’s social media deal worth as much as $10 billion | Reuters

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Thanks. That article was red flag after red flag. Sounds like a public vehicle that’s used solely as a way to transfer money to Trump.

Operational losses, 4M in revenue and a 10B valuation, half of X’s valuation?

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This is insane. It just goes to prove how corrupt out laws are if this simple bribery scam is completely legal.

That’s exactly what it is. But it’s a windfall of revenue for Trump. The people who will get screwed are the ones who buy the stock.

I agree that it’s outrageous, but why is it bribery? Who’s getting bribed?

In the end, it will go to the public markets, and investors will pay what they think it’s worth. They may be wildly wrong, but you can’t stop somebody from flushing their money down a toilet. No different from or any of a thousand other dotcom disasters. The fact that Trump will benefit for doing nothing other than putting his name on the endeavor is stomach-turning, but that’s life.

It’s no different to entities and foreign governments booking multiple rooms at a Trump property and paying full rack rate, then not using them. It’s overpaying for something on purpose solely to put money in Trump’s pocket.

The market for the public company will be what it is. But Trump gets to take the vastly overpriced value of the initial offering to the bank. The underwriters of the public offering will take the hit, which is how the scheme works.

That’s an issue if he is President. It’s not if he’s not. Smart move by Trump to cash out now.