The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Leaving millions to suffer for the existential fear of accidentally helping someone not fully deserving (based on their own arbitrary values) is a feature, not a bug of conservatism.

Unless a starving child dies on your own doorstep, they are probably faking for a handout and need to work harder at not starving.


The Republican platform since Reagan has been institutionalized cruelty.



But maybe you conservative Christians can point me towards the time Jesus said:

ā€œFuck those poor people, they donā€™t deserve shit. They donā€™t look like they work hard to me, now whereā€™d I put my assault rifle?ā€

I misplaced it.


If you were any more full of shit you would spontaneously combust near any open flame.

Everyone claims itā€™s the City funding the program.

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Hi Dwad.

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San Francisco is funding this and a few other experimental UBI programs on a very small scale. To anyone who is outraged at lacking the qualifications necessary to be considered for these programs or who is outraged on principle that marginalized and dangerously impoverished groups are being targeted for economic assistance, I strongly suggest you not move to San Francisco.


Donā€™t kid yourself. They donā€™t want to help anyone, no matter how much they may deserve it.


Did we get a break in between juice sessions? Iā€™m sure a long day of smoking ā€œmedical marijuanaā€ in your parentsā€™ basement is tiring.

Thatā€™s true. A starving kid on someoneā€™s doorstep would go viral on Next Door until the cops showed up to arrest them.

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Oops, I got that partially wrong. The host of the program, the Lyon-Martin Community Health Service, is funded by donations. The actual stipend offered to the 55 recipients of the exploratory pilot program, designed to assess fiscal impact, is jointly covered by the County and the City. My bad.

You do have the distinction of being the first person in the 27 years I have been participating in this site to suggest that I was lying about something. So, good job there.


After tazing and handcuffing them.

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I always knew the Deep State would come for the meteorologists.


Duh! Meteorologists are the worst. Always pushing that climate change nonsense on us. I know better though since I do my own research.


Tom Fitton does not agree. To quote him: ā€œThese disturbing new documents confirm how, among other leftist extremist policies, San Francisco is abusing tax dollars to give cash to individuals based on race and transgender quotas.ā€

Why donā€™t they just go get a job since the old demented sock puppet has ā€œcreated so many?ā€

Meteorologist? HA!! How many meteors did DAS catch last year? Iā€™ll bet it wasnā€™t more than two or three. Another fake Deep State boondoggle.


Trump 2.0: now with more ChristoFascism.

Haley is positioning herself to be the fallback when Trump goes to jail. Means she wonā€™t be dropping out any time soon, which is a good thing.

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley said late Sunday that, if elected to the White House, she would pardon former President Trump if heā€™s convicted of a federal crime.

Asked the question directly by an audience member at a Fox News town hall in South Carolina, where she once served as governor, Haley said a pardon would be in the countryā€™s ā€œbest interestā€ so Americans can work to ā€œleave the negativity behindā€ without being further divided.

I would argue that Trump in jail is leaving the negativity behind. Behind bars. A pardoned Trump is going to be a beast unleashed and Haley is a fool if she thinks he wouldnā€™t come for her.

Trump has just $33 million on hand, and that is all being spent on lawyers. You can see how it is being projected that his campaign will be broke by the summer.
