The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread


Your nickname game sucks man. Here are a couple of ideas:


Plenty of others since you need creative help. Your orange messiah is actually pretty good with derogatory nicknames, if there was one thing you’d emulate from him, I’d like to put in a request that it be that.

I rather like Dwad, it clearly triggers you.

I prefer WVDUMBASS. Isn’t it time for your nightly apple juice before your mother tucks you into bed? You have a long day of video games coming up tomorrow.

Who saw this coming?

Meanwhile let’s hope the old demented sock puppet remembers he is running for President. It’s getting harder for Barry and company to prop him up.

“GIFT”- Guaranteed Income For Transgender:

California giving $1,200 per month, but only to transgender people:

The Democrats steal every dollar and use these to promote every deviancy imaginable as they leave no room for heterosexuals who exist in nuclear families while paying their taxes and not bothering others. “Those” people don’t matter.

$1,200 per month, per person.

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Trump’s sneakers sold out. Bought, at $400 a pair, by the same people who are complaining about the price of eggs.


For 55 people. But point taken. The real problem with SF is not the homeless and economically downtrodden, it’s keeping the rich white folks happy. I mean, next thing you know they’ll be offering financial assistance to colored folks. We simply can’t have that.


Voluntary transactions seem to bother you. All “real-world scary”: eh? Prefer the safety of giving your money to the government via taxes, eh?

That is absolutely sickening.

Limey loves taxes. The more he pays, the better. He prefers to let the government have its way with him.

Are you saying that there aren’t any rich black folk? That’s a tad racist. But you voted for a proven racist in the old demented sock puppet so no surprise.

You know this has nothing to do with the government (federal, state, local or tribal), right? It’s an outreach of the Lyon-Martin Community Health Service, fully funded by donations, not taxes. It’s literally an LBGTQ+ org, funded by friends of the LGBTQ+ community, serving those in the LGBTQ+ community. Adhering to the most conservative/Republican principle of “pull yourselves up by your own bootstraps, don’t rely on the Government for your niche support”. The characterization you lay out in your post is patently false.


The most Republican principle now is “blame whatever troubles you on the weakest members of society.”


Thanks for clarifying. However, I’ll be surprised if OKB has the honesty to tidy up his disinformation.


I bought my pair! Here I thought Dementia Don was only a dangerous destroyer of our democracy, but now I know he sells sneakers!

The good news is that nothing bad has ever happened from people doing this before. Eh? Oh.

This seems timely:

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The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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It’s been the politics of cruelty from the QOP for decades.
Why should they change now?


There is no indication the program is funded by donations. Did you lie again?

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