The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

No one knows more about cobbling than Trump. No one. Even the all time great cobblers wonder how he can have so much cobbling knowledge. He’s done things no cobbler in history has done. It’s amazing. People are saying it.


So the front runner for the GOP nomination is out personally hawking shoes. This is not normal nor is it surprising in the least.

NYT headline tomorrow:

“Trump is selling sneakers, and why this is bad news for Biden”


Meanwhile in Texas:

So let me know if I have this correct… this asshat tried to abort his baby SEVEN times and gets 180 days while keeping his law license. Had the woman tried this once by herself she’d be locked up and have the key thrown away. Am I missing anything?


I mean, I’ve seen uglier shoes, but being this butt ugly and this comically overpriced is special.

But on a positive note: it’s good to see the economy booming so much that people will pay $400 for those hideous, made in China, $8 clown shoes.

Yeah but you clowns voted for the old demented sock puppet. That is the epitome of stupidity.

Yeah, but he’s not selling ugly shoes. Scoreboard: Biden!

Always. Be. Cobbling.


“I beat Michael Jordan 1 on 1. He came up to me afterwards, with tears in his eyes, and said ‘Sir, you’re the toughest opponent I ever faced.’”


Harry Truman hawked shoes.

Trump goes after E. Jean Carroll tonight.

He is the Terminator of defamation.

Colbert nails it.

“Man with dementia can’t remember all the women he sexually assaulted.”

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What’s not to like?

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You all support a racist.


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The party of Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt has become nothing more than a cult worshipping a coward named Donald Trump.

We’re all fucked because of that embarrassing stupidity.


While a group of idiots worship a demented old fool that doesn’t know where he is or what he is doing half of the time. Everyone knows his strings are being pulled by Barry. Barry and company are lining their pockets with foreign money. It is sad that some people don’t have the mental capability to see through the Democrat Party.

Dwad, I looked around for you and found something you’ll need soon. This place specializes in “post-cult counselling”.

Bookmark it! You’ll thank me later!

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WVDUMBASS, I really do appreciate your concern. Having said that, I looked into a few things for you. I know you have been in your patents’ basement mooching off of them since you don’t want to get a job, hence you voting Democrat. I know you have a video game addiction because you play them all throughout the day in between your mother bringing you cereal and juice. But I do have some good news for you, there is help available for you. I even found something for your “medical marijuana” addiction:

You’re welcome.