The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread


You guys have really got this gerbil on his wheel today.

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I hope my replies warmed your heat when you read them, Chuck.

He doesn’t.

Sure he does. You do too.

This is categorically false. The Trump team of lawyers called witnesses for two weeks in his civil business fraud trial. The simplest of Google queries bears this out:

He was not able to call witnesses in the penalty phase. Which is normal. But, of course, that penalty phase did not happen until he and his team of lawyers had spectacularly lost the initial fraud trial in which they called many, many witnesses.

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Y’all this is the same group of people that are legit claiming Biden had Navalny killed to solidify support for aid to Ukraine. They’re all anti-American Russian shills.
ETA, they think Tom Clancy books and shows like 24 are reality.


He did it in the depths of dementia.


It was a bench trial with no jury. You are at the mercy of the liberal judge in this instant. Engoron had his mind made up before the trial even started. It will be dismissed upon appeal.

There was no jury because Trump’s lawyer was too inept to know to request one.
Guess you can add mind reader to your CFO resume.

Tiedrich with an epic, profanity-laden rant that would be worthy of the classic BFT.

Donald Trump is a vainglorious moron who did this to himself. he could have lived in the shadows and quietly continued to launder Russian mob money and lie to banks for the rest of his life, and no one would have been the wiser. but he had to put himself under the bright lights of the most visible job in the world, and crime so flagrantly that people naturally started digging around.


That is total bullshit. Trump was not allowed a jury in New York.

That was a cute little cheap shot you gave me there. What does your resume consist of? Disability or some other sort of income where you can stay at home and not work? You strike me as the “medical marijuana” smoking type.

Correction–it wasn’t because the lawyer didn’t request one, it was: " “The AG checked off non-jury, and there was no motion for a jury,” said the judge, reported Yahoo! and ABC News, among other outlets.

Had Trump’s lawyers made a request for one, he said, he would have denied it because James sought equitable relief that, under New York’s constitution, precludes a jury trial."

So nobody in any similar case would have been granted a jury trial.

Without going into detail, 30 years in IT, the last 15 at a bank.

Right, no jury was allowed. Engoron was judge and jury. Engoron knew his verdict before the trial started. The AG ran for her position on the promise to “get Trump.” Hardly a fair setting. This will all be reversed on appeal to a fair court.

I guess we can add New York court system expert to your IT resume.

You’re not on my ignore list (no one on here is). Your posts are often the comedy highlight of my day and there’s a certain pleasure in watching the train wreck of your thought process unfold in real time.



No, because crony Dems are lined up to skim off the business. No skim if no business.

You lie almost as much as Fani Willis does.

Glad to see you made it through the recent rains. I just knew you were going to drown being the mouth breather that you are. Can’t wait for your gnashing of teeth when Trump wins the presidency.

Trump went to Philadelphia to hawk his $400 Trump-branded sneakers. It went about as well as you would expect.


What kinda fucking loser buys Trump sneakers. Cult simps